The Mossos d’Esquadra are investigating the alleged attack by a father (38 years old) on a 15-year-old Mas Pellicer player at the exit of a soccer field, in Reus (Baix Camp). The events took place last Sunday afternoon after the match between the UDC cadet B team Mas Pellicer and CF Vila-seca, as La Vanguardia reported yesterday. The Catalan police have explained that the attack, with minor injuries to the minor, has been reported to the court so that the alleged aggressor can be summoned to testify. “We work to eradicate violence on football fields,” Mossos d’Esquadra tweeted on its official account, with the slogan

CF Vila-seca has issued a statement this afternoon condemning what happened on Sunday afternoon after the match in the surroundings of the Mas Iglesias municipal field, in Reus, where the UDC Mas Pellicer, a club with more than 40 years, plays all its games. of history. “CF Vila-seca strongly condemns all violent acts inside and outside the football fields that damage everyone’s image,” the statement begins.

The entity, with a long history also in youth football, highlights that it “especially condemns the event that occurred around the Mas Pellicer football field last Sunday, which we consider regrettable.” CF Vila-seca immediately adds that “the club cannot control the behavior of each and every one of the parents, family members and companions of the players belonging to our club.”

CF Vila-seca does not specify or rule out taking any measure in relation to the alleged aggressor, father of one of the cadet team players, such as a possible precautionary expulsion. “The internal measures that must be taken will be taken and we leave the clarification of the facts in the hands of the ordinary justice system.”

Finally, the club where the boy whose father allegedly attacked a rival Mas Pellicer footballer plays shows empathy with the attacked boy and his family. “We understand the indignation and anger of the alleged victim and his family and we publicly apologize.” Finally, the CF Vila-seca statement regrets “that it falls into the now classic stereotype of blaming all the members of a club for the actions of a person.” The entity has not made a public statement until La Vanguardia has advanced the alleged attack in a news article published last night on its website and today Thursday in its printed edition.

The minor reported the attack the same Sunday afternoon, shortly after what happened, to the Mossos d’Esquadra. He first explained the events at the Mas Pellicer football field, where two agents attended after a call from the entity’s grassroots football coordinator. Shortly after, the formal notice was presented at the Mossos police station in Reus. The minor’s mother reported the attack along with her son with a report of minor injuries and a photograph of the alleged aggressor’s car license plate, which was key to her quick identification. In her image he is seen with her son, a soccer player for the cadet team.

The match between the cadet teams of Mas Pellicer and CF Vila-seca, a friendly, ended 1-0. The scorer of the goal was precisely the young man who was allegedly attacked, Adrián. After showering and having a drink at the field bar, invited by his coach, he left with his scooter to return home. It was the last one, his companions had already left. A few meters from the field, a man was waiting for him in a car.

The alleged attacker, 38 years old, got out of his vehicle and attacked the boy by surprise. According to the complaint filed with the Mossos d’Esquadra based on the victim’s story and along with a report of minor injuries, the man pushed the minor against a fence and grabbed him by the neck, reproaching him for his attitude during the encounter. . “He told me if he was a pimp, he threw my scooter, slammed me against the fence and grabbed me by the neck with his hand, squeezing. I was screaming but I was alone,” explains the victim along with his mother to La Vanguardia.

The minor adds that after a first attack, when the father was already heading to leave with the car, he reproached him for what he had done. This made the alleged aggressor return angrier: “he got out of the car again, grabbed my scooter and threw it at me again and slammed me against the fence again,” he remembers.

The youngest, born in Reus, is black. His mother is originally from the Dominican Republic. Both she and her son believe that the fact of being black also had to do with the attack, which was not only due to the dispute on the soccer field. “It’s a racial issue, whoever waited for my son to hit him also knew that he was alone,” laments the mother.

The Mossos d’Esquadra rule out from the outset that it is a racist attack and place what happened within the scope of the football match immediately prior to the attack, which was highly disputed. In fact, Adrián assures that during the meeting he already received insults from the CF Vila-seca cadet’s parents.