I don’t know if I should attribute it to climate change. We live in the midst of a storm of egos. The I’s are raining. It’s good to try to know yourself, sense where we are going (despite personal contradictions), value and love each other (excessively?).

In the sky there is thunder and lightning: a storm of egos that remember the fights of the gods of Olympus. We humans have never been so similar to the ancient Greek gods: we are self-centered and very selfish. We are capricious, not prone to understanding.

Today’s society insists on us: we must love each other, take care of our bodies to unsuspected extremes and know how to listen to each other. The goal: to always and quickly attend to our wishes. What do I need?, we ask ourselves. “Space for myself” could be an answer. Well, come and find your own spaces at any price, because we can’t put doors in the field.

“I need time for my social relationships.” Emergency: Everyone who is a part of our lives must disappear right now. We will go out partying, or we will go to spend a weekend away, or we will stay to play golf and reduce tensions, because life is very hard, and having to dig the earth destroys the back.

“I want to be on the sofa in autistic mode in front of the tablet, watching series”, while my partner wonders what the hell is wrong with me. I won’t tell him (I’m too lazy) that I demand silence, but that he/she could disappear from the world for a few hours.

I want, I need, I deserve… a priori it’s very good. We defend the individual freedom of people. But what about you? Do we consider the wants, needs and merits of those we claim to love? Very rarely does the you occupy a priority place in our lives. First me, then me and third me. I remember the lyrics of old boleros (perhaps some feminists would consider them politically incorrect). Like Y sin embargo te quiero, which Concha Piquer sang: “Te quiero más que a mis ojos, te quiero más que a mi vida…” Many would say that the lyrics are a huge exaggeration, referring to a toxic love. Not necessarily. It seems magnificent to me that someone expresses so forcefully the resounding nature of human feelings. We are a society that does not understand intensities, generous loves, or wanting above all the good of the other.

And us? The us is a great unknown. That first person plural that meant adding two or more individuals, understanding people as an essential part of the world, because they bring us points of view and offer us new perspectives.

The great gods ate ambrosia, copulated wrongly and rightly, held parties, played with humans. They were immortal. They could afford the waste of time, the absolute superficiality and the mishaps. We are mortal, finite. We have an expiration date. Is it worth prioritizing what amuses us absurdly, isolates us, pushes us not to reflect or to be ignorant in love?

There are many you who help us to be better. We just need to make an effort so that others can feel that we care. Solitude is a good choice, but it is not always the happiest choice. We are responsible for our happiness. We are silent, however, because it is raining giants from a gray sky.