Did you know that lipedema is a disease that affects between 12% and 18% of women in the world? It is estimated that they are mainly women between 35 and 45 years old. Despite being a common disease, it is currently one of the most underdiagnosed pathologies in the medical sector. This difficulty in diagnosis and the evidence of a significant increase in cases makes it important to raise awareness about this disease, conduct research and identify better diagnostic methods so that women who suffer from it can benefit from correct treatment.

Lipedema is a chronic disease that causes an abnormal increase in fat under the skin, especially in the legs, hips, buttocks, and sometimes arms. This results in a disproportionate appearance of the body, with larger limbs compared to the trunk, but without affecting hands, feet or torso.

As the disease progresses, the heaviness in the legs increases and the discomfort to the touch turns into pain, which can affect even while at rest. This medical condition can be a reason for sick leave and can have a strong emotional impact, cause frustration and deteriorate the general well-being of those who suffer from it.

We could summarize its most common symptoms in the following points:

• Disproportion between limbs and the rest of the body.

• Habitual bluish spots or bruises.

• Swelling in thighs, buttocks, knees and ankles.

• Pain on pressure.

• Feeling of heaviness in the legs.

• Lack of mobility in advanced grades.

Lipedema has no cure, causes a great deterioration in the quality of life and requires lifelong treatments. However, in our country we can already find professionals specialized in this pathology who, year after year, have managed to develop revolutionary therapies that have improved the physical condition and general well-being of affected women.

Although lipedema was recognized by the WHO only four years ago, the Dra. Brasó clinic has a specialized medical team to treat this pathology from a holistic and personalized approach. They address lipedema from two important focuses: specialized nutrition programs and liposuction assisted by water spray under gentle pressure (Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction/WAL), the treatment that has currently been shown to be most effective in treating the disease.

The nutrition service specialized in lipedema, digestive pathologies and anti-inflammatory diets of the Dra. Brasó clinic, with the collaboration of the nutritionist and Lipedema expert Marta Roig, also provides programs adapted to pre- and postoperative patients, managing to offer a comprehensive approach to treat the illness.

A change in eating habits in patients with lipedema has been shown to help control symptoms and improve quality of life. Typically, these programs are based on a diet rich in foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, seeds, and spices such as turmeric and ginger. These foods can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve symptoms of the disease.

Likewise, it is advisable to avoid processed foods rich in saturated fats and refined sugars, as they can contribute to inflammation and weight gain, which would worsen lipedema symptoms. These nutrition programs are designed to achieve long-term sustainable results, promoting changes in healthy eating habits that last beyond the initial treatment.

The second focus for a comprehensive treatment of lipedema is WAL liposuction, a complex surgery that requires high specialization, but is much less invasive with tissues than traditional liposuction.

This revolutionary technique consists of eliminating the adipose cells that cause the disease. It respects the lymphatic vessels to reduce the volume of fat, delays progression, reduces pain and, ultimately, improves the quality of life of patients. As Dr. Brasó explains: “We are one of the few specialists in Spain with experience in this technique and, therefore, we take another step by implementing an innovative and complementary therapy to WAL liposuction, thermal cryocontrast.”

This therapy accelerates the recovery process after the intervention. It has proven results in the world of medicine, sports, aesthetics and well-being, and consists of exposing the body to temperatures between 80ºC and -196ºC for three minutes thanks to the cold steam that is released inside the Cryosense ® cabin. This exposure favors the release of endorphins to which important anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are attributed that stimulate our immune system.

Lipedema, a disease that affects a considerable percentage of women worldwide, poses significant challenges in terms of diagnosis and treatment. The lack of awareness about this medical condition and the need for more effective diagnostic methods make it crucial to raise awareness and promote research in this field. Along these lines, at the Dra. Brasó Clinic they already have extensive experience and specialization in lipedema and, thanks to this, they can offer a comprehensive and holistic treatment to improve the quality of life of their patients, including nutrition programs as important. allies throughout the process.