The Supreme Court has inadmissible the four appeals presented against the approval of the Madrid Nuevo Norte project because it did not find sufficient grounds and due to a lack of cassation interest, which means for the Department of the Environment of the Community of Madrid “the support definitive to the project that the Community of Madrid has endorsed since its inception.”

The area headed by Carlos Novillo has reported this Friday in a note that this decision of the Supreme Court joins the previous rejection of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) to nine contentious-administrative appeals that – it says – were dismissed in their entirety, with costs ordered to those responsible for its presentation.

Specifically, the Ministry of the Environment explains that they had submitted resources for the specific modification of the General Urban Planning Plan of the Madrid City Council for the extension of Paseo de la Castellana, which allows this new development.

Thus, the essential reasons for the challenge have started from questioning the classification of the land and, from there, the percentage of protected housing, the division into four homogeneous areas, the buildability coefficients and the lack of planning alternatives.

The company Crea Madrid Nuevo Norte, for its part, considers that “the decision adopted by the Supreme Court reaffirms the legal solidity of the planning of Madrid Nuevo Norte and clears the legal viability of a transcendental project for the future of Madrid, which the citizens carry waiting for more than 30 years.

“We celebrate this resolution of the High Court, which endorses the legality of a project that already has the broadest institutional, political and social consensus and that has become an international benchmark for sustainable urban regeneration through public-private collaboration,” they have said promoter sources.

The company Crea Madrid Nuevo Norte considers that the judicial decision “only reinforces our historic commitment to continue promoting Madrid Nuevo Norte and to work together with the Administrations and citizens to make it a reality as soon as possible, as it will contribute to improving the quality citizens’ lives and for Madrid to reinforce its position as one of the leading cities globally.”

All of this is rejected in this project that, with a state-of-the-art business center, will allow the region to attract large companies and international institutions and promote foreign investment, added from the Ministry of the Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Madrid Nuevo Norte will mean the creation of 350,000 jobs (200,000 in the construction phase and almost 150,000 in the activity phase) and the construction of 10,500 homes.

It will also have three new Metro stations, a new commuter station in Fuencarral, the modernization of the Chamartín station will allow the reconfiguration of the North Nude and Fuencarral Nudo, 13 kilometers of Canal de Isabel II networks will be renewed and They are going to expand the green cycling ring by another 13 kilometers.

The Ministry of the Environment has recalled that “this great work of engineering and urban planning” will have an “iconic” park where today there is a void occupied by the train track that divides the capital in two.