The spokesperson for the Valencian Government, Ruth Merino, yesterday marked distances with the climate change denialist speech that her colleague from the Consell and head of the Agriculture portfolio, José Luis Aguirre, made from the Les Corts tribune the day before, in his capacity as a member of the Council. With Vox unleashed and willing to wage a cultural war and bring to the institutions all the postulates that have characterized it in recent years – both those that bring it closer to the PP and those that separate it -, it will not be the first time that the spokesperson for the Executive have to go out and limit the words of a councilor to a personal or partisan opinion.

“Climate change exists and we are going to work on the necessary sustainability and always with a balance with economic development,” said Merino, recalling that the Minister of Environment, Water and Territory, Salomé Pradas, has already made it clear that climate change worries the Government of Carlos Mazón.

A position, that of the PP councillors, is very different from that exhibited on Thursday by the Vox Agriculture Councilor who charged against climate fanaticism – also the animalist one – and censured the “perverse 2030 Agenda” of the “globalist elites”. Merino wanted to clarify that the Valencian Consell does believe in these objectives for sustainable development set by the UN and rejected belonging to those “globalist elites” to which his partner was referring.

Regarding Aguirre’s words in the Hemicycle, he wanted to put ground in the middle. “Obviously, we are different people and we don’t have to agree 100 percent.” However, the Consell spokesperson arrived with the lesson learned and argued that despite the differences “I can assure that there is no friction between any member of the Consell in government action: there are no internal disputes when it comes to delays.” measures or others are blocked. And she concluded: “We have very clear government action: we all work as a team and we are a single government.”

This is the objective that the Valencian president Carlos Mazón and his team have set from the beginning, but it will not be easy for him since the denial of climate change was made by the Minister of Agriculture at the time of explaining the basic lines of his department to this legislature.

As already happened with the Botànic coalition government, it is very possible that on certain ideological issues the differences between the two parties that make up the Consell will come to light.