After what happened with the Spanish Women’s Soccer Team, many women have raised their voices to reveal situations of abuse of power that they have experienced. This is the case of Carmen Morales, daughter of the legendary singer Rocío Dúrcal, who has recently shared the hell she experienced when suffering such a situation in the workplace. However, her character and determination prevented her situation from getting worse, as she has revealed to the press in recent hours.

“They tried to fire me from work. But they didn’t succeed,” the actress began by telling Europa Press during the premiere of the play School Of Rock at Espacio Ibercaja Delicias. This statement reveals her well-known determined character. “I am very inclined to face situations and say ‘this is not correct’ and you face it and that’s it and try to leave the foundations there well, well established,” she continued, assuring that she prefers to act and stand up to a situation. injustice.

On the other hand, Rocío Dúrcal’s eldest daughter also wanted to talk about one of the events that have marked recent weeks: the death of María Teresa Campos. The renowned presenter died on September 5 at the age of 82. And ‘La Campos’ and Carmen’s mother were very fond of each other. “María Teresa always loved music, she always counted on my mother for many things and she was always supporting the artists,” said the actress.

Thus, the actress also assured that music has been very important to her. “Rock and roll is fundamental in life and sometimes you need that little push to move forward,” she said enthusiastically. And despite the complicated situations that she has experienced in her life, the actress is optimistic and grateful.

On the other hand, the actress also commented on another current topic: the situation of Bertín Osborne and Fabiola. And Morales gets along wonderfully with both of them. Although she wanted to stay out of the recent controversies involving Bertín, the interpreter did not hesitate to praise Fabiola. “She is a woman’s love and she is a super strong woman,” she said. Respecting the private lives of both, Carmen reflected her desire that they find a way to remain united for the good of their children in common, the most important thing for both of them.