The Valencian Business Confederation (CEV) has expressed concern about publications that link the support of ERC and Junts for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez with a possible veto to the expansion of the Port of Valencia. The Valencian employers’ association wants to record its “full support for the project of the construction of the northern terminal in an expansion that is already carried out. In that sense, we hope that a key infrastructure like this is not used, directly or indirectly, as currency of change in any type of political negotiation,” said its president, Salvador Navarro, in a statement sent to the media in response to the controversy created.

In its same statement, the CEV states that “two Catalan formations cannot condition the decision on a key infrastructure for the future of the Valencian Community”, and they highlight that this is also a key factor from an economic, business and social point of view.

Likewise, the CEV asks the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, that “if there is pressure from ERC and Junts per Catalunya to stop the terminal, he should ignore it.”

“Competition between communities is understandable but it must also be responsible, just as the actions of the Government must be, which we ask to act with a vision of the State as a whole and not accept pressures that could lead to an interterritorial conflict,” they argue in their written.

Last week Navarro already spoke out about the expansion of infrastructure in a context of political negotiation, when he assured in Les Notícies del Matí, of À Punt, that he had opted for the Compromís-Sumar route to explain to the acting vice president, Yolanda Díaz, the expansion project of the port of Valencia.

Finally, Navarro maintains that the expansion of the Port of Valencia is a “necessary and non-negotiable” project for the Valencian Community and defends that, therefore, “it should be for the same reasons for all of Spain.”