Yesterday I had an appointment with a doctor at those early morning hours and she showed up 55 minutes late, like the pretty girls of the 20th century.

He didn’t apologize, and he didn’t need to, because if he had, I might have been the one to do it. Where in a hospital have you seen a specialist apologizing for being late for an appointment?

What is 60 minutes delay? Sixteen Suspiros de España (both Estrellita Castro and Diego el Cigala) and a moment in the waiting room, where one always finds solace: what a bad face that guy is making…

I think it’s very good that doctors don’t apologize when they see you an hour (or two) late, because we already know that they are polite and pleasant people at dinner, especially when they tell operating room jokes, short, spicy and funny

How can you protest or ask for explanations if you are the person responsible for the appointment? To begin with, the person who gets cholesterol today, has sciatica or has a cold and goes to the doctor is because he wants to and it makes him hungry, since we are the most well-informed generation of humanity about health.

– Good morning, I’m sorry but I had an appointment an hour ago…

-If I drank lactose-free milk, ate gluten-free bread and walked 85,342 steps every day I wouldn’t be here protesting! And you, I see it coming, are one of those who smoke and laugh thanks to Jan…

Besides, isn’t it perhaps a luxury to spend some time in the waiting room on a weekday, distracted by the screen that not only gives shifts but also spreads new tips, guidelines and recommendations to prevent all diseases and to have?

It is clear that there is always some rioter who comments to his wife for everyone to hear:

– They could inform!

Medicine is not an exact science, and therefore health professionals are exempt from apologizing for delays, which, moreover, no one expects, especially since the professional, at worst, can be frank .

– It’s a mess!

A doctor has a talent for apologizing for delays, a matter more typical of railwaymen, pre-constitutional couples and fanatics of the process.