The Court of Girona has begun judging today the drum teacher from Quart (Gironès), Jordi B., who faces 48 years in prison accused of sexually abusing five students between 2009 and 2020.

The majority were minors when they began to suffer the alleged abuse that occurred in the accused’s home, in an underground room next to the garage that he had set up to teach classes.

This morning three of the victims testified, without visual contact with the accused, that they agreed in pointing out the “admiration” they felt for the musician, who they saw as a “reference.”

They have also highlighted his “friendly” and “affectionate” character that he showed from the first moment they met him and how little by little he gained their trust to commit the abuse. Abuses that began with massages that the teacher offered to give them on their backs.

One of the testimonies, who was 14 years old when he began to attend private lessons at the defendant’s home, explained that only three months after receiving the first notions of drums, the first “inappropriate touches” and comments and questions of a sexual nature arrived. .

“He asked me if I masturbated and I remember that on some occasion he had also told me that I should try playing the drums naked, he told me that he did it,” he explained to the prosecutor’s questions.

“I also began to normalize it, that as soon as I arrived to class he would give me two kisses, a hug and touch my genitals. Seeing that I was nervous, he told me that it was a joke, a game, that I should be calm,” the victim recalled this morning. during the trial.

A turning point came on April 22, 2014, one day before the witness turned 16, when the teacher offered to give him a massage. “He told me to relax, to close my eyes (…) he pulled down my pants, touched my genitals and started masturbating; I stayed frozen until he asked me if I was going to cum for him, then I reacted and I got rid of him,” the victim explained this morning in court.

“Until that day I did not understand that this was actually abuse; I told him it should not happen again and he told me it would not happen again,” he stated during the trial this morning.

The young man explained that he continued with the classes until 2017, although “he really wanted to leave them.” “I didn’t see myself capable, stopping going to classes meant giving an explanation to my parents and I didn’t see myself capable of explaining what happened to them and in the end it turned into a ball.”

Another of the witnesses, who attended private lessons from Quart’s drum teacher between the ages of 8 and 18, explained that the first physical abuse came when he was about 12 years old. As in other cases, the abuse began with massages and, in his case, ended with fellatio and masturbation.

“He told me that it was a normal thing, that he was an open person, that a lot of people did it; but when I was 12 years old I had never had any relationship,” said this second young man who testified today at the trial.

For the only one who was of legal age when the events occurred, most of the abuses received had expired except for fellatio, which dates back to November 2009. “I found myself trapped in a situation from which I didn’t know how to get out. I was 18 years old but I felt like a child; I asked myself why I couldn’t get out of there,” he said.

The victims have explained that the teacher used “emotional” and “material” blackmail against them when they objected to receiving one of his massages. The three who testified today have indicated that they have suffered emotional and psychological consequences and some are still undergoing therapy.

The defendant is scheduled to testify this Thursday. The prosecution is asking for 43 years in prison and that he compensate the victims with 50,000 euros, while the private prosecution, headed by Benet Salellas, demands a 48-year sentence and raises the figure to 148,000 euros. For its part, the defense, represented by the Monguilod law firm, requests acquittal.