Our mobile phone has become a necessary resource to carry out a multitude of tasks and activities in our daily lives and, consequently, it has captured an important focus of our attention. How many of us could wake up without using the alarm? Or fulfill our commitments without writing them down first in the calendar app? This is just a small sample of all the information that our mobile can retain for us!

A new app for Android has arrived in the Play Store that can be very useful for the most forgetful. This is Expiring Product Notifications, the application that notifies you when a product is about to expire. One more example of everything that technology can bring to the kitchen, especially for those who have empty shelf syndrome or are on the hunt for bargains when shopping and, therefore, are more at risk of that all those foods perish before being consumed.

Expiring Product Notifications is able to remind you when a product’s expiration date is approaching, thus giving the consumer enough time to eat or freeze it. It therefore stands as the ideal ally against confusion, in order to put into practice efficient cooking and avoid unnecessary food waste.

The application allows the user to keep an inventory of all the products in their refrigerator. To do this, you simply need to give them a name, indicate the category to which they belong and take a photo to be able to identify them more easily. In this first part we will also record its expiration date. Next, we must configure how many days in advance we want to be notified that a product is going to expire. We can even select more than one of these alerts, so that we receive notifications every certain time interval and thus make sure that the date on which they should be consumed is approaching.

Mobile notifications are the fundamental basis of this application, since with Expiring Notification Products we can customize these types of reminders to the maximum and select the time of day we want them to arrive. In this way, the user is guaranteed that they will be able to see it at a time when they can pay attention to it. You can also create as many categories with which to group the foods in your pantry as you want.

Although it is only available in English, it is an application with a very simple and intuitive operation, in which the user can also write the names and categories of foods in the language they prefer. An easy and simple to use app thanks to which throwing away food will no longer be an option!