“Today we get down to work,” highlighted the acting Minister of the Presidency, the socialist Félix Bolaños, while Pedro Sánchez began the first meeting of his round of contacts – today with the leader of Sumar, the vice president. in office Yolanda Díaz – to try to articulate a parliamentary majority in Congress that approves not only his investiture but also guarantees stability during four years of legislature, to begin with new general budgets of the State for next year.

Asked if the PSOE will demand that Junts renounce unilateralism in exchange for the “generosity” that Pedro Sánchez offered the day before, in implicit reference to an amnesty for those prosecuted by the process, after receiving the order from the King to try to form a government. , Félix Bolaños has demanded that same generosity from all the political forces that can now form a new investiture and legislative majority.

“Generosity is that all political forces do their part, that they are all aware that we have to move forward and that our country has to be better in the next four years,” Bolaños claimed. “Generosity means that we are all aware that we have to do our part to heal wounds, to open a new stage and so that Spain can advance for four years economically, socially and in equality. “That is generosity,” he remarked, again without saying the word amnesty.

Sánchez, according to Bolaños, has received the assignment from the King with “the conviction that we have the best political project for Spain and that a government led by the PSOE is a government to advance our country, economically, socially, in coexistence, in rights and in equality.” “To get the investiture, yes. But above all to achieve the stability of four more years of progress,” he stressed.

After the meeting with Yolanda Díaz, the socialist leader has confirmed that Sánchez and his negotiating team, of which he himself is a part, in addition to María Jesús Montero and Santos Cerdán, will from now on meet the spokespersons of all the parliamentary groups with representation in Congress, so for now the PSOE does not contemplate a public meeting with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, who has resided in Waterloo (Belgium) since he fled from Spanish justice in 2017. The socialists will meet with the spokespersons for all groups, with the exception of the far-right Vox. “It is a party that is not democratic, that seeks to outlaw political parties that do not think like them, and outlaw unions, it is a sexist party, and therefore we have nothing to talk to Vox,” Bolaños alleged.

The acting Minister of the Presidency, in any case, did not want to evaluate Puigdemont’s decision to open a consultation with the bases of the Consell of the Republic, between October 17 and 23, on whether or not they should block the investiture of Sanchez. “I have nothing to say about the internal procedures of other political parties,” he apologized.