The project to pacify the N-II highway should be a priority for the Government of the Generalitat, as claimed by the municipal groups of the Mataró City Council (Maresme). Given the historical delays accumulated by the administration and despite the various announcements in recent months, we continue without any tangible progress and we are concerned about the commitment to converting the N-II into a pacified route adequate to the needs of the 21st century. It is a space with the potential to transform into an innovative route, where a new sustainable and environmentally friendly urban and interurban transport model can be implemented.

The pacification project of the N-II as it passes through the Maresme, the result of citizen mobilizations, is more necessary than ever to combat the climate emergency and the need to rethink towns and cities as we know them. A pacified national highway must contribute to successfully mitigate the effects of pollution or climate alterations that are expressed with extreme heat waves or downpours of unprecedented intensity and frequency.

According to the approved text, it is about consolidating and improving an urban and interurban design model that addresses new social and environmental needs and that gives priority to the quality of life of people in public space, and also in private space. , since the acoustic impact conditions the tranquility of the neighbors.

The pacification of the N-II is also necessary to resolve the connectivity of the Maresme cities with their coasts, facilitating citizens’ access to the public space of our maritime façade. At this time, the budget item of 49 million euros to carry out the pacification of the N-II in the Maresme and the bike lane, which included the budget agreement of the Generalitat for the year 2022, has not yet been executed.

Last March, the Parliament of Catalonia approved a motion on the economic and social needs of Maresme that defended the pacification of the N-II, the creation of a bike lane and the reinforcement of the connections and frequencies of Cercanías and the buses, among other measures. This July, the Government of Spain and the Generalitat signed a protocol to allocate, among other items, 384 million euros for the improvement of the N-II and the C-32 in the Maresme. With the aim of redistributing traffic from the N-II to the C-32 and converting the N-II into a civic axis with a lower speed, fewer lanes for cars and more pedestrian space and a bicycle lane. This protocol is still pending the signing of the relevant agreement.

For all these reasons, the municipal group of En Comú Podem Mataró, supported by those of PSC, ERC, JxCat and PP, with the abstention of Vox, proposes to the Board of Spokespersons of the Mataró City Council to urge the Government of the Generalitat to immediately unblock the allocation of 49 million euros from the 2022 budgets to carry out the pacification of the N-II in the Maresme and the bike path; comply with the motion on the economic and social needs of Maresme approved in March 2023 in the Parliament of Catalonia; demand that the Government of Spain and the Government of the Generalitat comply with the protocol signed in July and that must unlock 384 million euros, partly destined for the pacification of the N-II.