All entrepreneurs and those who develop new projects “are impostors” until they prove otherwise, says Pablo Foncillas, and to do so they must “deploy a fiction (that is, a story) that captures the imagination and capital” to make it a reality. your idea. “The pioneers, the innovators, in short, are artists of illusion,” says the business school professor.

In this sense, he argues that there is a very fine line that separates an idea from a lie. The “fundamental distinction” lies in the fact that entrepreneurs “believe their story will come true,” which requires confidence that the product or service “will be needed and successful.”

The greatest story seller of modern times is the late Steve Jobs. The innovation popularizer remembers that one of the designers of the famous Apple Macintosh, Bud Tribble, said of the co-founder of the Cupertino-based company that he “suffered a kind of distortion of reality.”