It’s been more than four decades since Verano azul, almost 15 years since El Comisario, two decades ago since El Barco, seven years ago since Loving Is Forever and a few months ago since Serving and Protecting. In between so many television series, in the career of Juan Artero (Madrid, 1965), there have been films like There will be no peace for the wicked (with a Goya nomination for Best Supporting Actor) and, always, a stage in which to stand testing.

He already says it: “I need the theater.” Now, the actor embraces his most personal and risky project: a monologue that draws on his personal and professional autobiography to question the existence of human beings, which he also produces himself. Because living in this universe, in this galaxy and on this planet is a prodigy, almost a miracle: The miracle of the earth.

The show, signed by Juan Asperilla and directed by Laila Ripoll, premiered on September 26 at the Teatro Bellas Artes, where it will be performed every Tuesday until October 24.

The monologue continues to be an acting exercise only for the very brave. Did you want to try it on?

Yes, it was a need that I had and I couldn’t find the text, that’s why The Miracle of the Earth was born. I had a meeting with Juan Carlos (Plaza-Asperilla, which is the playwright’s full name), who knew me from other productions, and I told him a little about what he wanted. I told him about myself, about the texts that I liked, about my life, about many things… He, using a lot of metaphor and, of course, with his sensitivity and passing through his sieve, gave me the gift of a wonderful text.

‘The miracle of the earth’ is a reflection out loud, about what?

It is the reflection that all human beings have made since we have been human beings, and perhaps since before. What are we doing here? Where we come from? How did it all come together? It is a search for the existential why, but a basic search, not with a deep philosophy. These are the questions that we have always asked ourselves and that have touched us since we were children. You believed in God, but suddenly the teacher came and talked to you about the theory of evolution, about Darwin, and you asked yourself “so weren’t Adam and Eve…?” It all starts from there, from my childhood, from my search for God, for not God, for why we are here… It starts with the big bang, which would be like ejaculation, it continues with pregnancy… of everything, of the man, also of the Earth, the creation of the solar system; It continues through birth and ends with death. And I am accompanied by the texts of great writers that I like and in which all those concerns are a bit. It is a very beautiful journey through my life, my childhood, my characters too… All from the point of view of the actor that I am.

Don’t you think it’s a real miracle that, in this era of streaming and platforms, theater still exists?

Of course! Furthermore, theater is the most differentiating thing. I recommend it, I hope that it continues to exist and that we all look up from our cell phones and go, not only to the theater, but to the museum, to the cinema, to cultural events, to read… I think that culture is very good for society in general. general. Poetry is a wonderful weapon.

And there are many verses in his monologue…

I am accompanied by Lope, Rosalía de Castro, San Juan de la Cruz, Shakesperare, Whitman, Calderón, Quevedo, Pirandello… All of them!

He has chosen Laila Ripoll to direct him. Because?

I think she is a wonderful director and a great woman. Furthermore, there are many things that unite us. This monologue was very special and I had to do it with very close people, and Laila and I have known each other since we were children. One day she went to accompany her mother to the filming (of Verano azul, she is the daughter of the actress Concha Cuetos), but then we agreed on a course at the Clásico and together we set up the Micomicón company. Laila was perfect for this type of montage, because she knows me and knows about many works that I talk about, because I have done them with her. The imagination she has, how she directs you and the freedom she gives you makes you bring out the best in yourself.

An essential figure on the Spanish scene such as Lola Herrera lends her voice…

A luxury, because Lola, apart from how great she is and how much I admired her before meeting her, she is a very dear being to me. Playing my mother’s voice energizes me on stage. And the other day, when I was at the premiere, even more so.

His monologue reviews from the creation of life to death. Are you afraid of the end of everything?

I am scared of my end and that of those close and dear to me. That fear is present there. Precisely for this reason, when something scares you, you have to face it and the monologue also helps me a little for that.

Let’s talk about principles. Tired of being associated with the first series of all, ‘Blue Summer’?

Why should I get angry! I have had times in my life, when I wanted to do other things, when I cared more. But now, at my age and having made a living from the profession, it even seems tender to me.

What would you say to that 14-year-old boy who is starting out in the profession?

Maybe I would say: “calm down, Juanjo, enjoy life, the moment, the classes, your preparation and relax a little. “Your time will come.” But I also think that that drive, that need and that desire that I had were the driving force that made me prepare a lot and that I was obsessive, in a positive sense, with work. And that’s good for being an actor.

Let’s go back to the function. The title, ‘The Miracle of the Earth’, connects very directly with the problem of climate change. Is it an issue that worries you?

Yes a lot. What’s more, it should concern us all, it is essential, because we are living it and to deny it is to deny the evidence. I am worried about the legacy that we are going to leave to our children, grandchildren or ourselves, because this is going so fast that anyone knows. If all these things were put at the service of human beings and science and not at the service of money and big interests… I think it scares us all, even the factory managers who are making a mess. But there is something like with a veil, they don’t want to see… And we don’t have the right to believe ourselves superior to other species. For example, it’s not that you shouldn’t eat meat, but not always, it’s not that necessary and maybe something needs to be changed. I believe a lot in science, but sometimes science is about interests or those who hire science are to produce a product and not for a humanitarian purpose or for the planet.

This time, he stars and also produces. Do you experience everything from another side when you put the bitches on yourself?

There is always another vertigo. Since one has done television, he is doing what he can in theater. It’s a big risk to come to Madrid, the way things are, but I needed to do the monologue here. I love going to big squares, but also going on tour and going to towns. Theater has to reach every corner.

When there is no work, what makes you happy in your free time?

Many things! Having time to be with the family or go to the countryside… I really like agriculture and now I am starting out in beekeeping. Taking the opportunity to calm down a little, sleep and not have to get up so early drives me crazy, and not spend all day studying.

Is there any corner where you like to get lost?

Yes, a hotel in Menorca that is wonderful: Villa Le Blanc. For its views on the seafront and for the good food in its two restaurants. There you isolate yourself, it is a magical place.

As a good lover of gastronomy, can you reveal to me one of your essential restaurants in Madrid?

I love La Barbacana, in Boadilla del Monte.

What is the last movie that moved you?

My other Jon, the Paco Arango film in which I participate and which I saw the other day. She’s so pretty… You laugh and cry at the same time, she’s full of hope. It is highly recommended when you have pain or loss, because you relativize. In addition, it is quite unpredictable and takes you to places you do not expect. I have a lot of faith in it, apart from the fact that it is a 100% charitable film for a wonderful cause. Paco Arango has brought 80 children with very complicated treatments, with 80 families, to 80 hospitals.

And the book you are reading right now?

It seems like I want to promote my work (laughs), but right now I’m only studying my new feature, Robots by Gabriel Olivares, and I don’t have time. He has asked us to know the text for essays like the Lord’s Prayer. It’s a story about robots doing tests, which happens during confinement. And I can’t tell you more, but it’s going to be a shocking show…

Is there any place in the world you really want to travel to?

I would like to go to the north, to see the northern lights, and also to Asia, Brazil, Patagonia… There are so many places…