Dogs have a special talent for remembering certain words that often provoke unexpected reactions in them. Whether it’s the excitement of a walk or excitement about your meal, these keywords can transform a quiet companion into an irrepressible burst of energy.

In this context, a video has gone viral on TikTok, starring Jorge Bola, who shares how communicating with his dog has become a real headache, given his ability to overreact to certain words.

Jorge relates, with a tone of humor and resignation, how common words have had to be excluded from his vocabulary to avoid triggering his pet’s overflowing emotion. This linguistic adjustment includes such innocent terms as street, gift, and especially want, which, in the presence of his canine companion, become taboo.

Jorge’s dilemma extends beyond simple word restrictions, as it has affected even basic interactions within his home. “Because of my dog, I have had to modify my vocabulary… You are taking away words from me. And many people who are watching the video will say Wow, how exaggerated. It won’t be that big of a deal. That it won’t be that big of a deal?”

Jorge continues to think about the future of this peculiar coexistence, hoping that his dog does not learn even more words that will further limit his repertoire. “I hope this list doesn’t continue, because she is very smart and will learn more words.”