Salvador Illa has assured that he will not attend the demonstration against the amnesty called by Societat Civil Catalana on October 8 in Barcelona, ??because “it is not the time to go to the streets, it is the time to articulate what the citizens voted for on the 23 of Julio”.

The leader of the socialists of Catalonia made it clear this morning, in an interview on Catalunya Ràdio, that “this is not the time for photos” and that he prefers to work with “prudence and discretion, precisely so that things go well,” and He added that, therefore, “it does not matter whether or not to be” present in the negotiations between the PSOE and the pro-independence parties.

“It must be respected that there is a negotiating team in place” and that “there are still no closed agreements,” Illa stressed, with regard to a possible agreement on the amnesty demanded by the pro-independence parties, and that, on a personal level , he is betting “on Sánchez’s policies that have borne fruit in Catalonia”, with some issues “uncomfortable for the president to take on” in reference to pardons, “but that have borne fruit”.

The first secretary of the PSC has also commented on the statements of Marta Rovira, general secretary of Esquerra Republicana, on the dialogue table, and has shown himself in favor of recovering the initiative that he himself says he has encouraged since his proposal in 2019, since “It has been a positive instrument that has worked” because, as he stated, “there is a discussion among Catalans” and it must “be noted that there are different political projects” within the Catalan sphere.

Likewise, Illa has referred to the recent statements by Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra accusing Sánchez of being a “dissident” and warning him that he cannot allow himself to be “blackmailed” by the pro-independence parties and that he “do not take the step” of accepting the amnesty. to “the felons who promise to do it again every day.”

The Catalan socialist has stated that he respects “the opinions expressed by political leaders who were on the front line at the time,” and has stated that “at the time they aimed high, and that is what should be done now,” or at least That’s what the PSC is trying to do.