Daniel Sancho continues to serve provisional prison in Koh Samui prison, southern Thailand. On August 2, Rodolfo Sancho’s son murdered and dismembered Edwin Arrieta, as he confessed to the Thai Police on August 4.

The young creator is awaiting trial, but since the beginning of the investigation many have questioned why Daniel Sancho confessed as the author so quickly. Not only that, but the content creator himself confessed that the police themselves had invited him to dinner “at the best hotel on the island.”

Almost two months later, totally unexpected information comes to light, but it could shed a little light on all these unknowns surrounding the investigation of the atrocious crime and the situation of Daniel Sancho himself. As revealed in the program Mañaneros, it seems that the Thai Police had promised two very important things to Sancho in exchange for declaring himself the author of the murder.

The journalist Ángel Moya has assured on Jaime Cantizano’s program that the Thai Police did not fulfill two promises that they had made to Daniel Sancho. First, his immediate extradition if the content creator confessed to the crime if he fit the hypotheses with which the authorities were working.

Furthermore, it would not have been the only thing that the authorities who are investigating the case in the country would have promised him. “They told him that they were not going to accuse him of murder, only of reckless homicide,” explains Moya, adding that the charges would then be related to “a fight over Edwin Arrieta’s alleged threats” and that the police believe they are true. The journalist adds that Sancho, in a first confession, stated that during a fight with Edwin Arrieta he hit him.

Despite everything, it will be difficult to prove that these promises existed at some point. According to Moya, it would be Daniel Sancho’s word against that of the Police. However, those inexplicable moments such as having been able to speak to the press by phone after his arrest or having dined with the Police in a luxury restaurant would still be something inexplicable.

Meanwhile, Daniel Sancho has made his first release from prison since he was imprisoned on August 7. Rodolfo Sancho’s son was leaving Koh Samui prison for a routine visit, in which his provisional detention was extended.

An exit for which Sancho traveled from prison and appeared again today without a lawyer. This Thursday, the judge extended the provisional detention for the sixth time at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office to work on a report that he must deliver to the court before October 29, although this period could be extended by 24 days exceptionally.

Sancho, who could face a request for a sentence of up to the death penalty, must have a Thai lawyer once the trial begins and, if he does not have one, the judge will assign him one ex officio.