The PP of Madrid has once again sneaked national politics into the regional debate by introducing in the plenary session of the Assembly a vote on the amnesty that the popular roller has carried out – 81 votes in favor (PP and Vox) and 54 against (PSOE and Más Madrid) – thus allowing Isabel Díaz Ayuso to give Alberto Núñez Feijóo a moral victory before the formal start of negotiations for the formation of the central Government.

A broad victory in the votes – the result of the absolute majority obtained last March 28, and the support of Vox – but doubtful in the parliamentary debate after the intense interventions of the two right, on the one hand, and PSOE and Más Madrid, of the other. Two blocs face to face that have shown themselves to be disciplined in their positions despite the fact that, at the request of the popular people, the vote was carried out by secret ballot in an unsuccessful attempt to attract some wayward socialist.

The initiative, defended by the general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, has raised the rejection of “any type of amnesty or generalized non-individualized pardon for any Spanish citizen whatever their crime, thus preserving the principle of equality between Spaniards.” .

The former popular parliamentary spokesperson has assured that if Pedro Sánchez needed the votes of a rapist to be sworn in as president of the Government he would “mitigate his sentence”, just as if he needed a thief he would “modify the embezzlement”. To which he has added, as a warning, that the amnesty demanded by Junts and ERC will take a “toll” on the people of Madrid.

“It is outrageous to assume that in Catalonia there is a strictly political conflict and that to resolve it it is necessary to ignore the Constitution and the rule of law. That Sánchez intends to do so is predictable. That Madrid socialism accepts it is a historical error that not even good forms of Lobato will be able to overcome,” Serrano pointed out to the individual conscience of the socialist deputies so as not to break the unity of action of PP and PSOE in the face of other “challenges such as the Ibarretxe plan, the anti-terrorist pact, the reform of the 2011 Constitution or the application of 155”.

After the intervention of Vox, who has conveyed his support for the PP initiative but not before evidencing the distancing of the two rights – “we will vote yes out of patriotism, but damn the desire to vote with you” -, the deputy spokesperson of the PSOE- M, Llanos Castellanos, has advanced his rejection of the initiative, positioning the Genoa party as the one that “every time there is an improvement in freedoms there is a judicial appeal and a cry in the street appealing for Spain to break up.” “I give you some news,” she added, Spain sometimes becomes tense, but it does not break… it moves forward. But it is always a reference in rights and freedoms and of course it has never been thanks to you.”

The socialist deputy has stressed her group’s “not like a house” to this initiative and has told the two right-wing parties that “Spain does not want you to govern it” in reference to the results of the last general elections.

Emilio Delgado, in charge of defending the position of Más Madrid, began his intervention by describing the PP initiative as a “tantrum” after the result of the general elections. “You are not going to prevent the Spanish people from democratically traveling the paths they want in total freedom and without guardianship from anyone, and least of all from anyone, from you. You are not better Spaniards. You are no more Spanish. You They are not even the majority of Spaniards,” he said.

Delgado wanted to “clarify” to the popular caucus that “no one is opposing any law, because there is neither law nor government” and concluded by demanding that the two right-wing parties “stop making noise about how “Spain is broken because that was already said when people went jogging in tracksuits.”

Once the non-legal proposal has been approved, Ayuso’s next act in rejection of the PSOE’s negotiation with the Catalan independence parties will be this coming Sunday in Barcelona, ??having confirmed his attendance at the demonstration promoted by the Catalan Civil Society under the motto Not in my name. . Neither amnesty, nor self-determination.