A Russian attack against the city of Kharkiv, in northeastern Ukraine, killed a 10-year-old boy this Friday morning, whose body was found in the rubble, the head of the Military Administration of the Ukraine reported on his Telegram account. zone, Oleg Siniegubov. “A 10-year-old boy was found under the rubble; Unfortunately, the child has died,” wrote Siniegubov. Another 16 people, including an 11-month-old baby, were injured.

Shortly before, around 7:00 a.m. local time, Siniegubov had reported two hits from Russian projectiles in two districts of the city of Kharkiv, the second largest in the country after Kyiv and one of the cities hardest hit by Russian bombings.

According to the head of the Military Administration of the region, the projectiles caused damage to buildings and vehicles, some of which caught fire.

The Kharkiv region suffered one of the deadliest Russian attacks since the start of the war on Thursday. An Iskander missile hit a residential area in the town of Groza, in the Kupiansk district of the aforementioned province, killing more than fifty civilians.

Another attack, this time with drones, damaged a grain silo in the Izmail district, in the southern Odessa region, regional governor Oleh Kiper reported. Russia has stepped up attacks on Ukraine’s southern regions, home to the Black Sea and Ukraine’s river ports, since Moscow withdrew in July from a deal guaranteeing the export of Ukrainian grain across the Black Sea to help to mitigate a global food crisis.