Social networks in general and TikTok in particular are experts at giving curious names to certain behaviors or behaviors that become viral. For example, ‘bed rotting’, which encourages you to “rot in bed” as a technique to supposedly improve your mental health, when in reality it is not as beneficial as its defenders want you to believe.

Another case of a term popularized by social networks, this time in relation to relationships, is the concept of ‘pic me girls’, which could be translated as those girls who want to be “the chosen ones.” And, to stand out from the rest of the women, her pattern of behavior is based on denying and even criticizing all those behaviors typically associated with women.

According to the Urban Dictionary, where the definitions of all the modern terms coined on the Internet are found, a ‘pick me girl’ is “a girl who seeks male validation by directly or indirectly implying that she is ‘not like other girls’.” . Thus, they cling to criticism of elements that are traditionally associated with femininity, such as makeup, the color pink or romantic movies. They also tend to seek out male friendships, claiming that they get along much better with men because “they have nothing in common with women.”

An important point on which the networks have focused on ‘pick me girls’ is that they encourage competitiveness and criticism among women, since the strategy of those who fall within this definition is to discredit other women with the objective of standing out from them.

TikTok user @nosoycarolina – with 2.1 million followers – publishes content about intimate relationships and, among her videos, reflects on what it means to be a ‘pick me girl’. “She is a woman who seeks in any way to obtain male validation and approval,” she explains. And to do so, “she goes over other women, denigrating them, treating them ugly or trying to make that difference between other women and her,” she adds.

The notable nuance that defines ‘pick me girls’ is that they perform these behaviors to make a man like them, not because those are their real tastes. And this is where the problem comes, when your true tastes and preferences begin to blur. This is how @nosoycarolina relates it: “To be described as a ‘pick me’ you have to have completely lost your sense of identity to be able to make men like you, you no longer know what it is that you genuinely like, but rather you conditioned yourself yourself,” he concludes.