Last July, Alba Carrillo gave news that thrilled her family and millions of followers, as she made one of her biggest dreams come true: writing her first book. A project that she has called Ready for Life and that has already seen the light, with a grand presentation to the media held last Thursday, October 5.

An event that her family and most special friends did not want to miss, such as Rocío Carrasco, who after months out of the media spotlight reappeared to support Alba Carrillo in this new adventure. The two have been seen very close, demonstrating their unbreakable friendship, which remains firm over the years.

The friendship between Rocío Jurado’s daughter and the former Mediaset collaborator goes back a long way. Both of them met in 2016, as presenters of the La Fábrica de la Tele program Hable con ella, where they forged their great friendship.

Since then, Rocío Carrasco has supported Alba at all times, while the model has been very protective of the singer’s daughter, whom she has defended tooth and nail in the media. The passage of time has only strengthened their union.

As Alba Carrillo herself explained after the broadcast of the documentary In the Name of Rocío, not only had Rocío helped her a lot in one of her worst moments, after her divorce from Feliciano López; But she also owed her improvement to the husband of her friend, Fidel Albiac.

“When I started working at Hable con ella, which is where I had the enormous luck of meeting Rocío and Fidel, that summer I had just gotten divorced. I was broken. I was in psychological and psychiatric treatment, I was suffering from depression, it was difficult for me get out of bed… Throughout that summer, which for me was the hardest of my life, they, Fidel and Rocío, supported me, they loved me, they called every day,” the model explained.

A friendship that he values ??and that he does not intend to lose, no matter what the cost, because both proved to be there when he needed it most. “I get excited because they are two people who didn’t know me at all, they gave me all their love, but not in an artificial way and to look good,” she insists. “There was love and a desire for me to be well and they gave me so much love that that’s why I will always be by their side.”

So much so that the former Supermodel contestant ended up being a witness at Rocío and Fidel’s wedding, held in 2016.

They are not very prone to sharing their common plans, but they are known to see each other and are in contact regularly. A few weeks ago, Alba showed on her networks how Rocío had sent a gift for her son Lucas, who was recovering from a small incident. “An elephant from the great Rocío Jurado that is going to bring us great things,” wrote Alba.