The most popular love space on television closes its doors for another week. On Friday night, new diners have crossed the door of First Dates with the intention of enjoying a unique experience and, if they are lucky, finding their better half.

One of the dates that left great moments on Friday night was the one formed by Carolina and Andoni. The 20-year-old Canarian single arrived at the restaurant very nervous, but claimed to be a person with a lot of character. In love she had not had much luck, since she had been single for three years. She was looking for a tall boy who was very happy. ”I need a person to give me life,” she commented.

His date was going to be Andoni, a 25-year-old Canarian single and criminology student. ”I like doing crazy things,” he declared. ”When I saw him from a distance I didn’t like him, but when he got closer I said he’s super tall,” the single woman said after meeting the bachelor. Moments later, Laura Boado accompanied the couple to her table, where the evening began.

Carolina said that at the moment she was studying nursing and that she did not work yet. For her part, Andoni was studying criminology at the UNED University of Gran Canaria. The singles agreed that living on an island affected them a lot. ”It’s too small for you because it’s always the same,” Carolina confessed. Even Andoni had planned to live outside of Spain.

The date progressed and Carolina was interested in knowing what Andoni’s first impression had been. He confessed to being very satisfied with her. Carolina, for her part, was shocked when the bachelor told her that he was almost two meters tall.

At one point, the single woman asked about her musical singers, not knowing that this question was going to put barriers between both singles. ”From Sinatra to Bad Bunny,” the bachelor confessed. But Carolina didn’t seem to understand who she was referring to. ”Don’t you know who Frank Sinatra is?” said the bachelor. Given the bachelor’s refusal, Andoni decided to sing one of her most popular songs, but the bachelor still did not know the singer. ”General culture, learning,” said the bachelor.

In the final stretch of the date and despite the differences, the singles seemed to have connected during dinner and that was something that was noticeable during the last moments. ”When I’m in love it comes out alone and I’m very detail-oriented,” said the bachelor. In the final decision, both agreed on their intention of wanting to continue getting to know each other, despite the distance between the islands.