The 2023/2024 season has started consolidating the panorama with which it ended the previous year: with Antena 3 as the outstanding leader, with La 1 remaining as second option and with Telecinco relegated to third position and, the most worrying thing for the network, with all the artillery with which he proposed to regain the leadership, wet. In September, the audience data confirmed this: Antena 3 was the channel that grew the most in the last month with a 13% screen share, followed by La 1, which is once again getting used to double digits, with a 10, 5% and then Telecinco, in the worst start in its history with 9.6%. The three main chains maintain several fronts open.

With the goodbye of Ana Rosa’s program, Telecinco split the slot with The critical look, with Ana Terradillos, and Vamos a ver, with Joaquín Prat. Both programs fail to maintain Telecinco as the morning leader, which is now for La Sexta, which for the first time in history achieves leadership of this slot from Monday to Friday thanks to Aruse@os and Al Rojo Vivo.

The critical view is around 250,000 viewers and a 12% share and Let’s See exceeds half a million viewers with a share of 13%. On Antena 3, Susanna Griso’s Public Mirror improves its data compared to the previous season, with nearly 300,000 viewers and more than 12%, while La 1’s new bet, Jaime Cantizano’s Mañaneros, also improves the slot’s data on the network the previous year with more than 200,000 viewers and 8% share.

The great workhorse of the season. The transfer of Ana Rosa Quintana to the afternoons caused some concern in the rest of the networks. Telecinco trusted the veteran journalist to replace Sálvame but after the premiere of TardeAR, Quintana has not managed to lead as he did in the mornings: he usually has between 700,000 and 800,000 viewers and a 10% share while Sonsoles Ónega has consolidated in this beginning of the year on Antena 3 the leadership achieved the previous year, with more than 800,000 viewers and shares greater than 12%.

For its part, RTVE’s La 1 competes with Quintana with its successful daily series, The Promise, which it has relocated to 5 p.m. and continues to average one million viewers and a 13% share. RTVE’s other bet for the afternoon was the magazine La plaza, with Jordi González, but its discreet results (an average of 6.6% share) led the corporation to suspend its broadcasts this Friday, just a week and a half after its premiere, so as not to weigh down the rest of the afternoon’s broadcasts. Its place will be taken starting Monday by unaired installments of the contest it replaced: The Wild Card. As RTVE sources explain, The plaza goes “on stand-by”, in rest mode, and we will soon see what will become of its future. They also confirm that Jordi González will continue to be linked to the network and head of Lazos de sangre.

The big news of the season was the return of Big Brother VIP, the reality show that Telecinco trusted to act as a lever for the audience due to its power of feedback throughout its schedule. However, GH VIP has returned with the lowest figures in its history and, with the exception of the first program of this new season, it has not managed to exceed one million viewers. In the battle on Thursday night MasterChef Celebrity on La 1 dominates, exceeding one million viewers and a 15% share. Joaquín the rookie, on Antena 3, keeps the pulse with similar figures that vary depending on the guest.

The big surprise of the course has been the cancellation, after only three weeks on screen, of Jorge Javier Vázquez’s Chinese Tales, which did not catch on with the audience while El hormiguero had the best start in its history on Antena 3 despite the new competition, which also includes 4 stars, the daily series that has consolidated itself in prime time on La 1. More notable factors in the nighttime slot have been the discreet premiere of El conquistador on La 1, which is not achieving great success that RTVE expected, and the surprising audience data for The Voice on Fridays on Antena 3: its tenth season has started strongly with more than 1.5 million viewers and a 19% share.