If dance is diversity, or diversity is dance, a mirror tilted over the dancers further multiplies this diversity, sought after and exposed, in the Face T(W)O show. Outdoors, in Plaça U d’Octubre de 2017 in Girona, a group of European dancers gave the Temporada Alta audience the first street show of this edition. Today, Saturday, they will be there again, at 9 p.m.

There are 32 dancers, including seven Catalans and the rest from other European countries, who have been directed by Sigrun and Luka Fritsch, in an initiative that began to take shape four years ago. Yesterday’s show was like a second premiere of the Temporada Alta festival, after Antònia Font’s concert on Saturday, and La PetiTA’s Sunday day, intended for family audiences.

In this case, the mirror effect sought with this giant surface above the dancers’ heads is intended to be “a reflection of how the world is seen”, declare the directors, who have put together a show of more than an hour of dances, combining joint choreographies with less numerous scenes and some individual brushstrokes.

People Power Partnership (PPP) is the participatory theater project that brings together these dancers, which has 14 partners from 15 European countries. PPP brings together 104 young people aged between 18 and 25 who are developing thirteen productions to be presented in public spaces in various European cities, always within the framework of a theater festival.

The directors of the show presented in Girona, who are mother and daughter, are part of the theater action company Pan.Optikum, based in the German city of Freiburg, born a hundred years ago under that name to do street theater and turn the panopticon concept around, where people were exhibited to ridicule them.

Now the exhibition is artistic and is built with the contributions of the performers, based on two thematic lines that bring together their experiences of coexistence and ecology. Hip-hop marks the stylistic line, complemented by acrobatics and visual effects. Although each performer shows a different personality, they declare that there is no competition between them, but the result is the sum of all the diversity.

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