The death of Yasser Arafat, the historical leader first of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and then of the Palestinian National Authority (ANC), uncovered the differences between the two majority groups of Palestinian forces: Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank. that in recent years have acted more disunited and even opposed than coordinated in pursuit of laying the foundations for the creation of a Palestinian state.

Each incursion, especially from Gaza by Hamas and, occasionally, by Islamic Jihad, has been ruthlessly repelled by Israeli military forces, which have caused thousands of deaths and reduced Palestinian territory with new illegal settler settlements and restricted movement. of the Palestinians.

July The International Court of Justice warns that the wall separating Israel from the Palestinian territories violates international law and the law must be withdrawn.

November Yasser Arafat dies in a hospital in France after being admitted for a month. In January 2005 Mahmoud Abbas is elected as Arafat’s successor in the Palestinian National Authority.

March Hamas Islamists led by Ismail Haniyeh form government after winning parliamentary elections. Tensions with Fatah are growing. The US and EU suspend humanitarian aid because Hamas does not recognize Israel. s.

June Hamas captures Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit near a border checkpoint and holds him for five years demanding the release of Palestinian prisoners. Constant attacks and counterattacks between Gaza and Israel, which imposes more sanctions.

September. Clashes between the different Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas in Gaza. Several Arab states and Palestinian groups seek mediation to avoid a civil war.

March Fatah and Hamas achieve a national unity government to end months of intermittent clashes.

June The unity government lasts nothing and less. Hamas expels Fatah cabinet members and tightens control over the Gaza Strip. Israel tightens the blockade on Gaza and Egypt closes its borders. Mahmoud Abbas appoints Salam Fayyad as prime minister, but Hamas rejects his appointment. Two Palestinian governments emerge in Gaza and the West Bank. The EU and the United States withhold humanitarian aid to the Fayyad government.

November For the first time and at the Annapolis Conference, USA, the “two-state solution” is proposed as a working basis for future talks between Israel and Palestine.

November Israel launches an incursion into Gaza, which Hamas considers a violation of the ceasefire by launching missiles.

December Israel launches a 22-day military offensive after a Palestinian rocket attack in Sderot. Some 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis die before the ceasefire.

November Israel kills Hamas military head of state, Ahmad Jabari. Clashes for eight days.

August The kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas turns into a seven-week War: 2,100 Palestinians dead and 73 Israelis (67 soldiers).

December US President Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, unnerving Arab countries and several Western allies.

March Palestinian protests at the fenced Gaza border. Israeli troops repel protests with gunfire and kill 170 Palestinians.

November The US announces that it no longer considers Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal.

May After weeks of tension during Ramadan, hundreds of Palestinians are injured in clashes with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque. In response, Hamas fires rockets from Gaza at Israel, which responds with airstrikes. In an 11-day conflict, 250 people die in Gaza and 13 in Israel.

August At least 44 people, including 15 children, are killed in three days of violence that begins when an attack wounds an Islamic Jihad commander

January Islamic Jihad in Gaza fires two rockets after Israeli troops level a refugee camp and kill nine Palestinians.

October Hamas launches the largest attack on Israel in years from Gaza with a surprising cross-border attack and constant rocket fire. Israel declares war and calls up reservists.