The magazine Entreacte, directed by theater critic Manuel Pérez and dedicated to the performing arts, is celebrating its 35th anniversary with a monograph in which several authors consider what the theater will be like 35 years from now.

Andreu Gomila, for example, given the infinite possibilities offered by technology today, reminds us that “the magnetism of an empty space, with a person or a group of people engaging a live audience, is unbeatable”. And it takes us back to Athens in 429 BC, when Sophocles premiered Oedipus the King.

The critic Juan Carlos Olivares, based on the changes already observed in European companies, makes some projections for the future: “shared artistic directions”, interpretive choirality that hides individuality – something that brings us back to “a radical vindication of tradition Greek classic” – and longer stays of touring productions to avoid travel.

Josep M. Ganyet enters fully into the role that artificial intelligence will have in art: “An AI does not compose a song, adapt a screenplay or write poetry. It is a person who does it and who validates the result”. And in this sense he claims “human imperfection as a future value”.

Núria Ramis considers the future of criticism: “We need criticism that doesn’t want to look good, that wants to build and that believes in art”. And the luminary Manoly Rubio claims that “we need trans people representing any role regardless of their identity”.

The magazine closes the Authorship section with a text by Sergi Belbel, El casalot. It is located in an “imprecise, retro past. Or, perhaps, the future”. Two actresses will play Maria (with a big kitchen knife in her hands) and Ágata (tied to a chair). This promises! We can play assemble the piece. Let’s imagine how it would be represented today and how it would be in the year 2058. Do you see a scenario with interactive screens, robots and programmed voices that speak in different languages? Or two actresses without a microphone, a black background and a couple of spotlights? I have already done my casting. Do you want to play it?