Alberto Núñez Feijóo will arrive this afternoon at the meeting with Pedro Sánchez, full of reproaches, not only for his intention to give in to the independence demands and amnesty those accused in the process, but also for his “not very forceful” attitude in the opinion of the PP. , when condemning “the terrorist act” of Hamas in Israel. In particular, the Popular Party asks the Government that all members of the Government, especially the second vice president, condemn “this terrorist act”, given the position of “ideological closeness” of some of the Government’s partners with the perpetrators of the attack.

For the PP, “it is necessary that there be a resounding condemnation by all members of the Government”, because the attack perpetrated by Hamas against Israel “affects fundamental values” and requires a condemnation as all “terrorist” attacks deserve. jihadists. The PP spokesperson, Borja Semper, stressed, after the meeting of the steering committee where the events were assessed, that it has been “designed and planned violence” to go directly “against women”, which is why he urges Yolanda Díaz to “not being a narrow-minded feminist.”

He says this, he stressed, because “there have been dozens of women kidnapped and disappeared at the hands of Hamas terrorists” and that makes “the division and lack of forcefulness of the Government not tolerable.” The reproach to Sánchez will also be because no one from the Government has contacted the main party in Congress to inform it of the situation, including the “disappearance of two Spaniards”, which in the opinion of the popular ones makes “the lack of forcefulness of the Government in its condemnation of the terrorist act by Hamas”.

But, obviously, Núñez Feijóo’s meeting with Pedro Sánchez, within the round of conversations with the socialist candidate’s groups, will focus above all on the amnesty that he is supposed to grant to those accused in the process, especially after the demonstration. on Sunday in Barcelona, ??which meant, for the PP, “an enormous popular mobilization” that shows that the majority of citizens “do not want a privileged minority to impose itself on the majority.”

Borja Semper insisted that the amnesty “is not legal, it does not fit into the Constitution”, but also “it is neither morally nor ethically acceptable”, in addition to that, contrary to what Pedro Sánchez says, the PP considers that “it does not “It’s not going to solve anything in Catalonia”, nor is it going to serve “to improve coexistence”, since they believe that the independentists will become emboldened and ask for more.

“The amnesty is not to improve coexistence, nor is it a gesture of generosity,” said Borja Semper, “because it will only benefit the politicians who ask for it and those who grant it,” urging Sánchez to tell the truth and “This is something ‘purely commercial’. This is a bazaar and a scandal that we cannot get used to,” he said, and that is why he sends a message to the Catalans: “We are not going to leave you alone.”

Feijóo will also inform Sánchez that the PP will oppose the “fiscal pact” that Aragonés has acknowledged that he is negotiating with the PSOE, because it is an agreement “that is made between two, and the rest is left to the others”, and breaks equality among the Spaniards, because “if you grant the independentists what they want, only the rest will be left for the rest”, which the PP considers “a shame.”

Regarding the summons that Sánchez will make to Feijóo to renew the General Council of the Judiciary, the PP spokesperson stressed that “if we were clear before, now even more so”, that we must guarantee “the depoliticization of the governing body of the judges”, which “is more necessary than ever, and to prevent politicians from manipulating and bossing around what has to do with the judiciary. Thus, this afternoon’s meeting will only serve to confirm the lack of understanding between PSOE and PP.