Alberto Núñez Feijóo would run as the main candidate for the investiture to become president of the government, if the electoral repetition scenario came into play. The leader of the Popular Party therefore emerges strengthened from the amalgam of pacts that Pedro Sánchez is currently negotiating to revalidate his coalition government.

According to a survey carried out by 40dB for La Ser and El País, the PP would obtain 144 seats and 34.2% of the votes, three points more than in July. These figures added to Vox, which would come out with three fewer seats (30) and the Canarian Coalition and the Union of the Navarro People with one representative for each formation, Feijóo would reach precisely the 176 yeses necessary. This coalition does not go beyond the three parties with which the popular leader agreed for his failed investiture, four seats away from becoming president.

Although the survey indicates that 51% of the Spanish population believes that Sánchez will revalidate his government, and only a third believes that there will be a repeat election, the results of the PSOE, if the investiture is not validated, would be tinged with darkness. .

And the fact is that the left bloc would be left without options, even if it achieved the support of ERC or Junts, remaining at 174 seats, compared to the 178 it currently has. The socialists would maintain their second position in terms of votes, and it would be Add the formation that would subtract 8 seats, with 8.2% of their July voters opting for the socialist ballot.

Despite the good results of the PP, which would retain a greater voter loyalty, of 90.9%, and snatching 8% of the support of its partners further to the right, 45.5% of the population considers that Feijoó leaves weakened from his failed investiture, and the political figure who obtains the best score in the survey, among the main popular figures, is Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the president of the Community of Madrid with 4.5 compared to the Galician’s 4.2.