A shootout that left no one injured, presumably between rival clans, occurred last night in the area of ​​Parc Vallès de Terrassa (Barcelona), where attractions and shows for the Spring Festival of that town are located, sources have reported. police this Sunday. The Mossos d’Esquadra have opened an investigation.

In addition to this event, in recent days there have been other shootings in Barcelona and its conurbation allegedly between rival clans, first in El Prat de Llobregat and then two more in La Mina, in Sant Adrià de Besòs. In addition, in the middle of the week, another occurred in the Nou Barris district of the capital.

Sources from the Mossos have confirmed that the event took place around half past eleven at night in the Parc Vallès area and have indicated that when the agents arrived at the scene of the shooting, the alleged perpetrators had already fled, therefore that no arrests were made.