Without any hint of understanding, the mere formality meeting that Pedro Sánchez held this Monday afternoon with Alberto Núñez Feijóo has been delayed for just one hour, within the round of contacts with all parliamentary groups, except with the extreme right of Vox, with which the PSOE leader tries to articulate a new investiture and legislative majority without the participation of the Popular Party.

In the meeting he held with Feijóo in Congress, Sánchez conveyed to the PP leader “the need to respect the electoral results of last July 23, parliamentary democracy, and the majority will of the citizens to form a government of progress”, according to socialist sources.

In the same sense, Sánchez has demanded “institutional respect for the Constitution” from Feijóo, after once again attributing to him the blocking of the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, which is already five years late. He has also asked for “respect for the national symbols, which belong to all Spaniards, and for the national holiday of October 12”, in addition to “containment in his desperate attempt to agitate the street”, according to socialist sources.

“The PSOE was absolutely respectful in Feijóo’s investiture process, even though it would have wasted all Spaniards’ time for more than a month. However, in the last two weeks the Popular Party has called two demonstrations against the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, in which the Head of State has been disrespected, and is now trying to make a partisan instrumentalization of the National Holiday of December 12. October”, highlight socialist sources.

The general secretary of the PSOE has also conveyed to Feijóo that the electoral results of 23-J are “indisputable” and, in this sense, he has demanded that the leader of the PP “respect the turn of the PSOE to articulate a parliamentary majority that allows the formation of a progressive government.” “We are not asking for your support for the investiture, but we are asking for prudence in your actions and respect for the investiture process commissioned by the King,” socialist sources have highlighted.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who appeared at a press conference after the meeting, also confirmed that an agreement was impossible. He tried to ask him the questions that he left unanswered at his investiture, by not taking the floor – he will do so when it is his -, although he did not receive an answer either. To his protests about the events called, he responded that the only thing missing was that he couldn’t do them, like Sánchez himself does every weekend, and when faced with the reproach of agitating the street in the face of the 12-O parade, Feijóo’s response was “Are you really telling me?”

Because if there are protests it will not be because of the PP, he told him, but because of his intention to give in on the amnesty, a word that he did not get to say, nor to admit that he was going to approve it.

“I still don’t know what he thinks or his intentions,” although Feijóo affirms that he seemed very confident about his investiture, and even asked him that they could reach agreements when the legislature is underway. They talked about the amnesty in general, and Sánchez defends that it can help coexistence, but without more.

For this reason, the president of the PP asks the socialist candidate for “honesty”, “to call a spade a spade, not to make excuses, to face it and ask the Spaniards.” Furthermore, he told him that “if he is so sure that justice must be unequal depending on the ideology of the person who commits a crime, he should consult Spaniards in general elections. If he is so sure that it will serve to improve coexistence, he should ask the Spaniards, and I asked them if they want us to recognize ourselves as an oppressive state.

Feijóo admitted that Sánchez brought up the renewal of the CGPJ, “but only in passing,” and they did not speak further, since it cannot be raised in the middle of negotiations for an investiture.