Many are still somewhat embarrassed to talk about mental health. However, it seems that society is taking some (necessary) steps to eliminate this shyness and, today, it is increasingly common to hear someone talk openly about this type of pathology as about any other topic in our daily lives.

Talking about depression or anxiety was unthinkable just a few years ago. However, having lived through an episode as difficult as the pandemic and confinement meant that many more people had to face serious conflicts with their emotions and discovered conditions that until then were unknown. The key to this change are celebrities, who have given visibility to this issue, removing the stigma of what it means to suffer from a mental illness.

It is increasingly common to hear a famous person open up about how they feel and how they deal with things from within; or how he suffered from an illness in the past and what he did to recover. Famous people like the singer Dani Martín, the influencer Laura Escanes, the comedian Ángel Martín, Mercedes Milá, the designer Vicky Martín Berrocal… All of them have shared how they have felt at some point.

It is important to claim the importance of mental health, and work to raise awareness about the normality of this type of pathology, which affects more people than it seems; The result is clear: more professionals are needed in public health. We show how some of the most famous people in this country have spoken about what they suffer.

The presenter became news in recent days precisely because of his emotional state. After the cancellation of his last show, Cuentos Chinos, many worried that he could relapse into the depression he suffers from. The one from Badalona has never had problems confessing that he goes to psychological therapy every week. “I wish health care could cover weekly visits to the psychologist,” he once said.

The former leader of El Canto del Loco assured in a publication on his networks that he had been on medication for a long time and had been going to therapy, something he considered very healthy. “It’s a gym where you learn to be who you are or, at least, try. Where you accept, where you assume, where I’m happy.” The singer was grateful for having taken the step: “I am alive, full of imperfections and work to do.”

The tennis player is one of the greats of Spanish sport, but she has also confessed that she has been fighting her own demons and insecurities for several years, which has even led her to have serious concentration problems in her training. After her last crisis, in 2020, she assured that she managed to overcome it over time. Of course, “it cost me a lot.”

The actor Ángel Martín managed to revolutionize the world of networks with his book In case the voices return, a first-person testimony about how he rebuilt himself after his admission to a psychiatric hospital due to an episode that doctors called ‘psychotic break’. produced by drug use and depression’. A year later, the comedian spoke about what all this had meant in his life, in case he could serve others.

The daughter of Cayetano Rivera and Blanca Romero opened up in La Vanguardia about her anxiety and depression problems; and she has spoken openly about the subject. “Everything that has to do with mental health is good,” he stated a few months ago, ensuring that “giving visibility to all these things that were taboo for a long time and that now we are all raising our voices, I think it is very important.”

One night in 2014 in Malaga, Pastora Soler’s body and voice said enough. The singer retired. She couldn’t take it anymore. The media reported that she fainted during a break from her performance, but there was much more behind her. “I was speechless, without a voice, from the same tension,” said the artist. “I wanted to disappear and the only thing I thought was why wasn’t there something to get me out of the way? There was too much pain. I closed my eyes, they dressed me, I got in the car and I didn’t open my eyes until I got to the hotel. That night I didn’t sleep and I had already thought about it, that it was over, that I couldn’t take it anymore,” she said through tears.

The Galician composer confessed to having suffered from depression a few years ago. “I had had personal problems for many years, I had gone through a difficult divorce and I had insomnia since I was 13 or 14. Somehow, I had a panic attack one day and I got really scared and I went to the doctor and he told me that “I had depression. One day I crashed and my head went boom, I had a panic attack and I was very scared.” The one from Vigo took matters into his own hands and decided to be cured. “Turns out no, not everything has to be shit.”

The journalist has never minced words and, a few years ago, she confessed that she temporarily left Big Brother due to depression problems caused by excess stress. The Catalan woman claimed that it was not the first time she had suffered: “The first one I had was due to a lack of love and the second and the ones that came after were due to excess stress.” The journalist welcomed the fact that there was more talk about these types of topics. “I speak the way I speak to help people who are sick and need support. The people who love you, and love you well, also get fed up,” she was honest.

A few months ago, Laura Escanes was forced to cancel her participation in an important event due to an anxiety attack. The Catalan revealed that she is going through a period of accumulated stress due to an overwhelming list of professional commitments and, through her social networks, she explained the reason for her cancellation and the problems that led her to interrupt the her work schedule. “Anxiety and panic cannot be chosen,” she lamented. After two days of trying to calm down, she decided to stop. “My body needs to stop. Sometimes I try to achieve everything and these weeks have been very intense weeks, with a lot of work and a lot of accumulated tension. By recommendation and by my own decision I have prioritized my mental health.”