Silvio Elias, co-founder and president of Veritas, stated in the Matins Esade session the importance of companies adopting a shared purpose. In the case of his company, this purpose is to transform the world through food.

According to Elias, this approach has led Veritas to take proactive steps and take the lead on important issues, such as early removal of BPA from cashier receipts or plastic bags, years before it was required by law.

During the presentation, Elias took the opportunity to announce the reformulation of the company’s purpose, which is summarized under the heading Veritas, your best version. Since according to Elias “When you choose Veritas, you choose the world in which you and your family want to live. When a client comes to Veritas, he does so because he wants to bring out the best version of himself.”

Furthermore, Elias has taken the opportunity to review the evolution of his company starting with its foundation in 2002 and until 2008 they focused on creating demand. In 2008, with the arrival of the global crisis, Veritas experienced impressive growth as families reconsidered their priorities and how they consumed.

Starting in 2012, the company managed to take off its brand and finally in 2018 Veritas suffered a new boom as the purchase of organic products increased, a sector that according to Elias still “has great potential.”

In the exhibition Elías explained what the company’s fundamental values ??are summarized in leadership (doing it first), honesty to make decisions that last in the long term, passion, impact to leave things better than they were and kindness, since according to Elias “when you are kind you are loved.”

In reference to relationships with suppliers, Elias has assured that Veritas seeks to go beyond simple economic transactions to establish solid long-term ties.

Likewise, the speaker has emphasized his commitment to making a positive impact on the world with the adoption of corporate uniforms made of organic materials or the purification of the air in his stores.