* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the surroundings of the Sau reservoir, in the Osona region, we can discover the true definition of the expression “goat path”.

As seen in La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos, the narrow and rugged passes of the cliffs that surround the reservoir are the path chosen by the goats, and only the goats, to travel.

And they do it with complete tranquility, as if the difficulty of the terrain they pass through were not their concern. From the top of the cliff you can see them, one in front of the other, moving with great skill and normality.

Tavertet is a great viewpoint of the goat deposit. It is located within the Guilleries area. Morro de l’Abella, for example, has fantastic views of the Sau reservoir, which is located a few kilometers before reaching the town of Tavertet.

Below, from this privileged view, we will see the reservoir and, in front, we will have the Puig de la Força and, to our right, the Salt de Tirabous.

Tavertet is located in the Collsacabra area, an authentic mid-mountain paradise for hikers, with countless landscape options, with streams, waterfalls, magical corners and medieval villages.