An Atlantic front will enter the Peninsula this Monday, leaving abundant cloudiness and precipitation in the northwest half. This rain will help clean the atmosphere in some areas, although haze will persist in the Mediterranean area and the Balearic archipelago, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

Precipitation will be more abundant in the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Sea and Galicia, where it could become persistent in its western half. At the last minute, they could affect the rest of the regions, except for the area around Alborán and the eastern and southeastern ends of the peninsula where they are not expected. It is not expected to reach the Balearic Islands either.

According to the agency’s forecast, it is not ruled out that an occasional storm or hail may occur in areas of the northern half of the peninsula. After the passage of the front, it will tend to be slightly cloudy in the western half.

After moving forward, the Aemet continues, there will be abundant medium and high cloud cover in the eastern third of the peninsula, with the probability of leaving some precipitation in the early hours around Aragon, with greater intensity in the Pyrenees.

Maximum temperatures will increase in a good part of the northeastern third of the peninsula, the coasts of Valencia and the Canary Islands, and will decrease sharply in the rest. Regarding the minimums, they will not experience major changes in the Canary Islands and Levante, decreasing in the rest, notably in large inland areas of the northern half of the peninsula.

Specifically, for this Monday values ​​are expected in several provincial capitals. In Murcia, the maximum temperature will exceed 30 degrees. In Girona and Lleida they will reach 27. And many others will exceed 20: Alicante, Albacete, San Sebastián, Huelva, Huesca or Jaén.