* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

I have captured for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos this series of photographs of a field growing calçots with the technique that consists of planting them in the open and, when they begin to grow, they bury them. It is very curious.

The calçots are already being prepared for the start of the next season, which normally begins next November and lasts until April, although the peak consumption period is during the months of January, February and March.

Although these snapshots correspond to a field in the Osona region, the truth is that calçot cultivation is more widespread in Camp de Tarragona, close to the sea and with a mild winter.

However, calçot can also be grown in interior areas where frost is not very permanent, although in these cases the harvest can be delayed a few weeks compared to areas with milder climates. Now, this year, for now, even the autumn temperatures are being very mild in much of Catalonia, where summer prevails.

About 55 million calçots are harvested each year, 10% of which carry the Calçot de Valls designation of origin label, created in 1995.