Tonight, Jordi Roca, one of the most prestigious pastry chefs in the world, illuminated the set of ‘La Resistencia’, broadcast on Movistar Plus and presented by David Broncano. Jordi Roca, together with his renowned brothers, Joan Roca and Josep Roca, runs the iconic restaurant ‘El Celler de Can Roca’ in Girona, awarded three coveted Michelin stars and known for leading the list of the best restaurants in the world in previous years.

In addition to his culinary success, the program’s audience had the opportunity to learn more about his amazing story of overcoming, in which he faced cervical dystonia that affected his ability to speak and from which he has recently recovered. The evening promised to be an immersion in the world of haute cuisine and a glimpse into the resilience of this renowned chef.

“One of the best pastry chefs in the world,” said David Broncano before giving way to a ‘flying’ Jordi Roca. He came down with class, “like a fallen angel,” with a harness. “I can speak a little. Just enough,” he commented as soon as he stepped onto the stage of ‘La Resistencia’. The question arose about the origin of the cream: “Doesn’t the cream have eggs?” asked Broncano. “The cream comes from the cow. Cream is cream.”

From the audience, Joan Ferrer, the strongest man in Spain, criticized Roca for the dishes being so minimalist: “They are small plates because you have seventeen and they serve you four desserts,” explained the chef. Asked if he has repeat customers at his Celler, the pastry chef replied: “They don’t usually repeat in a reasonable amount of time, since we have a waiting list of 11 months.”

Broncano continued with the strange questions: “Do you make the honey?” “We bought the jars of honey and cream,” she said, making the matter less epic. Speaking of her favorite fruit, Roca mentioned cocoa. “Is cocoa a fruit? But it does come out of a boat,” the presenter joked.

Jordi Roca appeared on ‘La Resistencia’ with many gifts, including the recreation of his own nose with the program’s shield. “You have to be proud of such an anatomical prodigy,” said Broncano. In addition, the pastry chef brought a chocolate mold from his nose and many chocolates for the public.

The prestigious pastry chef went to ‘La Resistencia to present the book he has published with his brothers: ‘El Celler de Can Roca’.