If one decided to stay on Twitter/X it is because of the full conviction that one learns more from the mad than from the wise. And even more so, of those who go mad pretending to be wise. In this network, what the philosopher George Berkeley said in the 18th century is multiplied by a thousand: few people think, but everyone has opinions.

The infinite scroll of Twitter is a mine of opinions and judgments. An enjoyment, reading them, without interacting and being more attentive to how it is reasoned than to what is reasoned. There are days when it’s best not to give an opinion on X. Genaro’s option: avoid arguing with anyone, like him, to stay young.

– Man, that must not be why – Eugenio questioned him.

– Well, it must not be because of that.

The moment that the conflict between Israel and Hamas has flared up has been a good opportunity to disappear and contemplate, to look at it from behind the fence. If you can help, you will already do it in another way. There is no issue that polarizes the community more than taking sides in favor of one or the other. “What, have you already solved the Israel-Palestine conflict, or will I come back later?” says the illustrator @OriolMalet tiredly.

Everyone has their opinion, no matter how much they don’t know the situation, but before appearing ignorant it’s best to pretend to be selective mute. If you are an expert, you must also be careful: a silence to a reply, no matter how much you have left your mobile phone for a moment to cook lentils, can be interpreted as a “you don’t know how to get out of it”.

X was built for non-stop work. You try to be understanding towards the intolerant, or harder if the other person is candid. Forgiving of the slow. But when it comes to the truth, the smart thing is to remain passive, keeping in mind that a good discussion takes place face to face. That the good word decorates the table, and not the net.

“It’s also not that difficult not to get into trouble on Twitter. It is enough not to talk about politics, or football, or movies, or religion, or men, or women, or young people, or old people, or cats, or dogs, neither pans, nor omelette with or without onion”. It’s written by @DSotoOrtiz. Sex has been left. “What is this?”, he answers.

In any case, this is not Twitter, but a column. Freedom! Therefore, we share the opinion: “It is possible and not contradictory to be against the occupation of Palestine and the terrorists of Hamas, and to be against the slaughter of Israelis and their government of fundamentalist arsonists.” The former director of El Mundo David JimĂ©nez expresses it well. It is not equidistant. It is to be very clear, as @kittlab says, that “bad guys are the ones who kill”.