Although the summer of San Miguel is lengthening this year and autumn is leaving us with unusual high temperatures for this time, the truth is that the cold is just around the corner. And this is a challenge for parents of babies, who cannot yet express in words whether they are hot or cold. Therefore, we must pay special attention to certain signs that indicate how the newborn is feeling and thus be able to dress him accordingly, keeping him warmer or removing a layer of clothing.

It should be noted that newborn babies do not yet have fully developed thermoregulation, the body’s ability to keep its temperature balanced. Their ability to produce heat is limited and they lose temperature easily due to their thin skin and lack of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, they cool down easily and retain heat less well.

Given this, many parents choose to keep their baby warm so that they do not get cold or get sick. But it must be taken into account that babies do not have mature sweat glands either, making it difficult for them to manage heat. Consequently, if we cover them too much, we could cause discomfort and even fever. And, if they sweat too much, they can become dehydrated, in addition to getting their clothes wet and potentially catching a cold. However, it is important to know how to detect when your baby is hot or cold.

To measure a baby’s body temperature, you should not look at their hands or feet, as these extremities are usually slightly colder than the rest of their body. It is best if you touch his neck, his neck, his chest or his back. If you notice them cold, you will know that the little one is cold. On the other hand, if they are very hot and sweaty, it indicates that they are hot.

Likewise, the color of their cheeks, lips and mucous membranes will give you clues: the lips and mucous membranes should be pink and the cheeks slightly rosy. If your cheeks are very red, you are probably hot. Finally, the baby’s behavior serves as an indication of his discomfort. If you notice him restless or apathetic and it is not due to sleep, hunger or a dirty diaper, it will mean that he is not comfortable and this may be due to his temperature.