When Homicide Group V of the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade of Madrid began to investigate the discovery of a body that showed signs of violence in a home in the Ciudad Lineal district in the capital, Esteban’s family already feared the worst.

Esteban, the property’s caretaker who also lived with his wife in the same block, disappeared on Tuesday afternoon. The family and neighbors lost sight of him after 6 p.m. They called the police and hospitals without success and, after reviewing the portal’s security cameras, they discovered that his last move was a visit to Alfredo, a problematic neighbor from 1ºC.

It was there when Esteban’s son asked the Police to enter the aforementioned apartment, knowing that the relationship of Alfredo, nicknamed the Gorilla, was more than problematic with the rest of the neighbors.

What seemed like a mere procedure took more than 30 hours. Just the time it took for the Armed Forces to receive the relevant judicial permission. And, as the hours passed, and the victim’s family became desperate, the hopes of finding Esteban alive faded.

The bad news was confirmed when the agents entered the house through the balcony. There, in the living room of the 1ºC home, they came across the inert body of the property’s caretaker who had a puncture wound in the neck.

The one who there was no trace of was Alfredo. The alleged murderer whom the Police are looking for after having taken advantage of the more than 30 hours of margin provided by the bureaucracy to escape the scene of the crime and hide.

Neighbors of the property where the crime occurred have recalled, in statements to Europa Press Television, the “cheerful” and “kind” character of the victim and his relationship with his family, especially with his grandson.

Likewise, they acknowledge that the residents of the property are surprised by what happened and point to the “somewhat strange” profile of the owner of the home where the body was found, to whom they attribute gambling addiction problems.