* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In La Vanguardia Readers’ Photos we discovered a unique place of great geological and landscape value very close to Barcelona. It is called Les Flandes and is next to the town of Piera (Anoia).

It’s like a little Colorado Canyon in our house. You can admire these whimsical formations that water erosion has sculpted over time and that, now, we can enjoy.

Les Flandes constitute a place of great scenic value. The horizontal strata of the ancient deposits of clay and calcareous materials, with the erosive action of water, have created a great variety of crushing forms. The chromatic aspect focuses the attractiveness of this place.

These capricious shapes in which water seeps into gullies are the true key to its uniqueness and beauty, which we can see in this series of photographs.

The beautiful excursion from Piera, easy and for everyone, lasts approximately 2 and a quarter hours to cover 5.43 km of route through one of the most surprising and unknown places in the Anoia valleys. Sometimes we get the impression that we are on another planet.

The excursion can be completed with a tour of the historic center of Piera and its castle to end with a rest in the Font del Prat recreational area.