The Talent Latent exhibition, which is part of the SCAN International Photography Festival in Tarragona, hosts the work of the Palestinian artist Mahmoud Alhaj. Through different archival materials from the Israeli army, images made by drones and photocopies of a personal diary, among others, Alhaj shows the evolution of the forms and tools of violence exercised in the Palestinian territories, especially in Gaza between 1987 and 2023.

Mahmoud Alhaj’s work is one of the ten international works – among the nearly 400 presented – that curator Érika Goyarrola has selected for the tenth edition of the contest. Among them is also that of the Sant Carles de la Ràpita photographer Vanessa Roca. The exhibition can be seen until November 26 in Shed 2.

The SCAN Tarragona International Photography Festival begins this Friday with the opening of the Talent Latent exhibition.

“After ten editions, this screening of new talents continues to be the main activity of the contest,” said the artistic director of the festival, Jesús Vilamajó, who celebrates that it continues to be “a dissemination platform for emerging artists.”

This year, the title chosen was Traces of Light. Memories of the photographic image. The ten chosen international artists will speak about this concept from “different perspectives and languages”, as curator Érika Goyarrola has pointed out.

“There are works closer to documentary photography, others more abstract, more intimate images, archival materials or photographs taken with drones,” Goyarrola detailed.

The curator has divided the works into three large sections: silenced or forgotten stories, the past as a critical space of inspiration and the imprint of memories that builds personal and collective identity.