Google is aware that artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the way we interact with online search engines, so it is forced to implement new features quickly to avoid losing its leadership position. And he is doing it. The company’s product manager, Hema Budaraju, announced on the company blog a new feature that will allow users to create images from text descriptions using generative AI. It is what Google calls “Generative Search Experience” (SGE), an ongoing evolution of its search engine that seeks to offer more complete and enriching answers to users.

The function will be useful when we want to search for a specific image, but which cannot be found using traditional keywords. Now, thanks to SGE, as Budaraju explained, users can write a detailed description of what they are looking for (prompt) and obtain up to four AI-generated images that match their request.

For example, if you want to search for an image of “a capybara wearing a chef’s hat preparing breakfast in a forest,” the AI ​​will generate images based on that description. Additionally, users will be able to further edit the description to refine their vision and add additional details.

This feature is not only limited to Google’s main search engine, as it has also been incorporated into Google Images. So, when the user searches for a specific image on Google Images, generative AI will show them instantly created images that fit the description they provided. This gives users a more intuitive and faster way to find the images they want.

Google takes responsibility in the use of this technology very seriously. To prevent abuse and ensure online safety, the company has implemented security measures to block the creation of images that violate its generative AI use policy. This includes harmful or misleading content. Each image generated through SGE will have watermarks and embedded metadata to indicate that it was created by AI.

SGE is part of the Alphabet-owned company’s vision to improve the online search experience, and its use is not just limited to images. It has also been incorporated into other areas, such as the ability to generate written drafts based on user searches and needs. As AI continues to evolve, Google is looking to boost the interactivity and efficiency of its search results.

Although Google has been a pioneer in developing generative AI technologies, the company has taken its time implementing them in its products, due to ethical dilemmas and uncertainty over how these advances could affect its AI-based business model. advertising and sponsored links in search results.

Ultimately, this new feature demonstrates Google’s commitment to innovation and its desire to provide users with a richer and more effective search experience. With SGE and other emerging technologies, Google is moving toward a future of more interactive and personalized online searches.