Two men face a prison sentence of 7 and a half years each accused of impersonating police officers to subject two minors, aged 14 and 16, to touching their private parts.

According to the Valencian Superior Court of Justice (TSJCV), the events occurred on September 11, 2020 in a field in Petrer where, according to the prosecution, the defendants approached the minors and told them to leave their things on a table and to They will lower their pants to search them.

The two adults took advantage of this situation to touch their private parts and even asked one of the victims for a chain, which they returned when they doubted its value.

For two crimes of sexual abuse and one of attempted robbery with violence, the public ministry will initially demand seven and a half years for each of the two men in an oral hearing scheduled for this Monday starting at 10 a.m. in the Section Third of the Provincial Court of Alicante.