In the current work environment, many have found solace in the flexibility that working from home offers. This new mode has presented Kimberly with some peculiar and unexpected company, in the form of a cockatoo named Doobie.

This small but enthusiastic companion has transformed Kimberly’s daily routine, following her like a feathered shadow through every corner of her house. The Dodo account has shared this story.

The trust between Kimberly and Doobie was not an accident, but the result of an instant connection that was forged from their first meeting. When Kimberly saw Doobie for the first time, who was wearing tiny pants at the time, she knew there was something special about him.

Even though Doobie had spent 28 years with his previous owner, the arrival to his new home was surprisingly smooth. Kimberly, aware of the radical change in Doobie’s life, made a point of watching for any signs of discomfort or stress, allowing the bird to adapt to its new environment at its own pace.

From the beginning, Doobie showed an insatiable curiosity, always attentive to Kimberly’s activities. If she headed to the bathroom, Doobie would follow her and land on a coat rack. At feeding time, the bird was also present. There isn’t an activity that Doobie doesn’t want to be present at.

Their expressions of affection and trust have become more evident with each day of coexistence. The way she imitates Kimberly’s movements when brushing her teeth, wanting to be with her at bedtime or performing a kind of beatbox in unison shows a connection that goes beyond the superficial. But in case any more proof is needed, this cockatoo usually says: “I love you.”