The former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, has once again put on the table the need for any political agreement reached in relation to the possible investiture of Pedro Sánchez to subsequently have guarantees that it is fulfilled. That aspect is one of those that separates the post-convergents from the socialists today. “It is necessary to take all possible precautions, always,” stressed the now MEP.

In Junts per Catalunya they keep in mind the non-compliance of the PSOE with Esquerra in the last legislature, which is why they ask that there be an international mediator or some mechanism to verify the agreements, while in Ferraz they consider that a monitoring commission is already sufficient.

Puigdemont has spoken in this sense after the former president of the government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has spoken out in favor of the amnesty in a radio interview, on Ondacero, and has given as an example the amnesty of the republican government of Manuel Azaña.

The leader of JxCat has taken advantage of the commemoration of the 83rd anniversary of the execution of the former president of the Generalitat Lluís Companys to reinforce his position by remembering that the former republican president was amnestied by the State and after a few years, executed by the Franco regime, after the civil war. “Spain granted amnesty to President Companys, yes. But four and a half years later, Spain shot him,” highlighted the independence leader.

“The problem is at the heart of the State; it is the deep powers that turn political efforts and agreements into empty paper. That is why it is necessary to take all possible precautions, always,” concluded the former Catalan president on the social network formerly Twitter.