The startup Luzia, an artificial intelligence assistant through chats on WhatsApp and Telegram, has raised 9.5 million euros in its third round of participation. The operation has been led by investors and international venture capital funds such as Khosla Ventures, Abstract Ventures, FJ Labs and Globo Ventures, as well as former basketball player Pau Gasol through Gasol16 Ventures.

The funds raised will allow the development of new functions to improve the quality of service and user experience, enter new countries, hire talent and consolidate the company as the main artificial intelligence assistant on mobile phones in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, it is noted in a note. With the new round, the total investment in the solution amounts to 12.2 million euros.

“It is an innovative project with the noble mission of making artificial intelligence more accessible to all people around the world. We all deserve to have access to this transformative technology. It is in initiatives like this where I see the future and progress,” said Gasol. .

Currently Luzia operates mainly in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. The headquarters is in Spain, where it has nearly a million users, who ask about 35 million questions to the artificial intelligence via chat. With only six months of life, to continue growing it wants to use the money from the round to attract new talent and “strengthen the team of developers and artificial intelligence experts.” Globally, it is used by 17 million users.

“This investment is a significant step to achieve Luzia’s mission: to bring the power of artificial intelligence to more people and reduce the technological gap. We want it to be the best and easiest personal assistant in the world,” says Álvaro Higes , CEO. One of the most notable uses is in teaching, where Luzia could be a support for studying and learning languages.

The solution is free, resolves doubts, offers recommendations, writes texts, transcribes audios, generates images and translates texts, among other functionalities.