The meeting of regional presidents heats up. Tomorrow is the meeting, in the Senate, in the General Commission of Autonomous Communities, convened thanks to the absolute majority of the PP, to discuss the effective application of the principles of equality before the law of all Spaniards, and solidarity between the autonomous communities.

If the Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, announced on Tuesday that he will go to the Upper House, contrary to what is usual, yesterday he pointed out that he will go, to defend the amnesty and the right to self-determination, but that he will leave as soon as he speaks, without staying to listen to the rest of the presidents of autonomous communities.

This attitude yesterday led the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Policy of the PP, Esteban González Pons, to reproach him for his attitude, reminding him that dictators are what they do, speaking but not listening. The popular leader considers that the fact that Pere Aragonès goes to the Senate is “a success” and a “show of courage”, as well as a duty as regional president, submitting to the debate and “accepting the Senate as a territorial chamber”, as as recognized by the Constitution.

However, González Pons considers that “going to a place and talking, but not listening, indicates an arrogance inappropriate for a political leader” and, of course, “inappropriate for a democrat”, because the deputy secretary of the PP stressed, for a democrat ” “It is more important to listen than to speak, and one is a democrat before listening rather than speaking.” And, he stressed, “dictators also talk, what they don’t do is listen,” which is why he believes that he should, in addition to defending his positions, “listen to the reasons of others.”

But at least he will come to speak, González Pons stressed, however, and he will not do like the president of the Government and the three regional presidents of the PSOE, those of Navarra, Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha, who will not even make an appearance in the meeting of the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities.

According to the popular leader, with the absence of the PSOE in the Senate Autonomies Commission, it will be Pere Aragonès and ERC who will become spokesperson for the socialists and will speak on behalf of Pedro Sánchez. The PP criticizes that Sánchez now speaks through spokespersons, the Catalan president, Pere Aragonès, in the Senate, “and as a shoemaker on the radio”

González Pons also dedicated a pearl to the acting President of the Government: “If for democrats it is more important to listen than to speak, for democrats it is also that when Parliament calls you, you go. Disdaining Parliament is typical of an autocrat.”

Those who will attend will be the 11 regional presidents of the PP, who according to González Pons, will defend in the Senate the equality of all Spaniards, “doing their duty” because “it cannot be taken from some to give to others, nor can it please one.” “Autonomous community breaking the balance with the rest.”