The drink and food stalls managed by different entities that are located on the large esplanade of the Cup, in La Devesa, during the Girona festival, will be obliged to serve, this year, drinking water from the public network at zero cost.

It is one of the actions that the Consistory promotes to promote a “safe, healthy and responsible” fiesta major and achieve the distinctive ‘Q de Festa’ of the ‘Nits de Qualitat’ program, of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Another novelty will be the distribution of free earplugs at the Punt de Salut Jove to protect the ears from the decibels of the concerts, which each year bring together thousands of people at the Cup, the vast majority of them young people.

Technicians from the Consistory have also trained people from the entities that have ‘barraca’ on the responsible dispensing of alcohol and the prevention of sexist violence. The objective, according to the City Council, is “to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and ensure a safe environment.”

As is traditional, there will also be information and advice points on addictions and sexuality. The space will be managed by the Som.NIT project of Creu Roja Joventut, which will distribute free condoms and facilitate the use of a breathalyzer to assess whether one is fit to drive.

This year there will be a family ‘Lila’ point in two spaces in the city to make gender diversity visible through information and games. This point will be active on November 1 in the morning, coinciding with the celebration of a family concert in Copeta and in the afternoon and on November 5, coinciding with the meeting of giants and big heads, in the Parc del Migdia.

In parallel, during the seven nights of the festival, between 10:30 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., the information, awareness and security space for women and LGTBI people in case of sexist abuse or aggression is maintained, which will be managed by the Doble cooperative. Via.

“All these measures aim to ensure that in moments of leisure, issues such as health and equality are guaranteed,” explained the mayor of Girona, Lluc Salellas. The councilor for Emotional Wellbeing, Sílvia Bosch, highlights the importance of enjoying a festive atmosphere “with responsibility and respect.”