Monitoring the condition of the heart is necessary at any age. Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in the world. In Spain, deaths from this cause are more than a quarter of the total. The best way to be clear about whether our heart is working correctly is to go to the doctor for periodic check-ups, but in the meantime we can follow some simple guidelines that allow us to get a first idea of ??whether our heart health is adequate.

In no case do these signs replace a visit to the doctor, but they allow us to see signs that can alert us to a heart problem and, therefore, warn us of the need to check the state of the heart with our doctor. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends being attentive to some signals from our body that can tell us if something is wrong.

We can evaluate one of these signals when we are exercising. If we do a physical activity that is not very demanding, we must check if our breathing is normal. If we notice that we are short of breath, it may mean that the heart is not pumping as it should. We can do this same test by climbing stairs. If it is difficult for us and we feel short of breath, we should go to the doctor.

Another very simple test is to frequently measure our blood pressure. It is an indicator of the pressure of the blood circulating through the arteries. Hypertension is a serious problem that quickly points us in the direction of a doctor. To know our blood pressure level we can go to any pharmacy or even have a blood pressure measuring device at home. Normal blood pressure is one that is below 120/80 mm Hg. If it is high, we should not delay in seeking medical help because it is a clear indicator that something is not working well.

It is also convenient to check our pulse. The heart rate changes throughout the day for different reasons: performing physical exercise, facing a stressful situation, being in a situation of relaxation or complete rest, etc. The normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. If we notice frequent alterations or we are outside this range, arrhythmias may occur. That is why it is advisable to regularly check our beats per minute rate.

A sign that alerts us to a possible problem is noticing fatigue very frequently and when at rest. If we feel tired and lack energy, it is very likely that something is not working in our heart and that it is necessary to go to a medical center. It is also advisable to have blood tests that provide us with a lot of relevant information. There are levels associated with possible heart problems such as cholesterol or blood sugar.

Finally, the best way to take care of our heart is to lead a healthy life with a balanced diet, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits such as tobacco or alcohol abuse.