The trial against Francisco Camps for the contracts of the Generalitat Valenciana between 2004 and 2009 with Orange Market, a company in the Gürtel network directed by Álvaro Pérez, El Bigotes, was heard this morning for sentencing. This is the last piece in which the former president was prosecuted. In the last session, Camps’ defense lawyer stated that he “had nothing to do” with Francisco Correa’s plot being established in the Valencian Community: “it comes from Valencians’ soul to invite people to live in our community because it is a very good life.

This lawyer, who is trying to free the former president from a sentence of one year in prison, six years of disqualification and a fine of 250,000 euros for influence peddling in an ideal contest with prevarication, has defended that there is “no evidence or testimony” to prove that Francisco Camps gave direct orders for the Valencian administration to contract the Fitur pavilion with the Gürtel plot. “I only understand that it was done by telepathic induction,” the lawyer said ironically. And he has harshly attacked Anti-Corruption: “they have activated a merciless campaign of persecution.”

The prosecutor’s office maintains that Camps was “patient zero” who offered Gürtel, specifically the businessman Álvaro Pérez, to move to Valencia, where he obtained public contracts and “parasitized” the institutions, and accuses him of giving instructions to hire the plans the assembly of an exhibitor at Fitur in 2009.

The former president has always denied that he offered work to El Bigotes and this Thursday his defense, to downplay the eventual invitation that Camps made to El Bigotes to move to Valencia, pointed out that Valencians “come out of their soul to invite those who do not live in Valencia” because “life is good there. “I understand that it doesn’t work for those from Cuenca and Teruel,” he indicated.

To substantiate that it is “evident” that Mr. Camps “has nothing to do” with the arrival of El Bigotes to Valencia, the defense has recalled that the PP hired Gürtel companies “at the national level”, which “came from Madrid to campaign in Valencia”, as the former president said in his statement, in which he attributed the hiring of the network to the “national leadership” of the party.

The lawyer, who recalled that the former president of the Valencian PP was already acquitted of the so-called “trial of the suits”, has charged against the “merciless campaign of persecution” of the Prosecutor’s Office, whom he has accused of having a “psychopathological obsession ” against Camps and an “overflowing interest” in requesting prison for him.

“We have come to ask for justice,” said the lawyer, who has been reviewing for nearly two hours the statements of the accused and witnesses who, in his opinion, exonerate his client by denying that he had given any order to the former high official. Dora Ibars to hire the plot.

“There is no instruction, there is no order, there is no influence, there is no induction (…) There is nothing,” stated Camps’ lawyer, for whom the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for 1 year in prison and 6 years of disqualification for trafficking. of influences in ideal contest with prevarication.

“Mr. Camps is an honest guy and that may not be the case with others who are friends of Mr. Pérez,” the lawyer indicated in a veiled reference to the former secretary general of the Valencian PP Ricardo Costa, who implicated him in the judgment.

The lawyer has joked about the possible existence of a “telepathic induction” by Camps to hire Gürtel and has wondered if “all of Camps’ subjects”, as president of the Generalitat, do what he says when there is “not a single official” “that he has admitted that they followed his instructions “to hire neither this nor anything.”

(((There will be an extension)))